Monday, June 17, 2024

Reporter Traumatized by Trump Flag, ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Cheer at Tornado Site

'Thank you twitter for helping to shield my feelings. Especially being a part of the LGBFJB community... '

A BBC reporter visiting the scene in Kentucky with President Joe Biden where a monster tornado touched down that has so far killed nearly 100 people, is now in need of post-traumatic counseling.

The source of angst? Biden and the reporter had endured the indignity of not just seeing one Trump sign, but having to hear twice in a row the now-ubiquitous mnemonic meant to register displeasure with the president, according to the reporter’s account on Twitter.

“I’m with the president in Mayfield,” tweeted Tara McKelvey, a blue-checked correspondent with the BBC. “Looking at destruction. There is a Trump flag and when Biden got out of the motorcade someone called: ‘Let’s go, Brandon.’ They said it twice.”

Twitter reacted with predictable savagery to the preditcable victim-signaling by the Karen-esque reporter.

“Excellent journalism,” said @NPC_0N. “Perhaps add a bit about the gentleman’s whiteness into the next tweet.”

“Thank you twitter for helping to shield my feelings,” said Nathan Cunningham, while displaying a Twitter warning about intense conversations. “Especially being a part of the LGBFJB community.”

The BBC reporter was picking up the theme of an earlier attempt by the press to dehumanize conservatives, even those devastated by tornadoes.

In the press briefing prior to the Biden visit, a reporter asked White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki if Biden had to prepare more for the tour in Kentucky –“a region that voted overwhelmingly for president Trump”—and whether it makes it harder for Biden “to be a source of comfort” for a conservative community, as Psaki looked on with skepticism towards the question.

Psaki said it was not hard for Biden to prepare.

To the credit of the BBC’s McKelvy, she rolled with the criticism on Twitter pretty well.

“You’re not the first (or only) person to respond to the post with deep sarcasm,” McKelvy wrote in a typical reply. “I get your point and I guess – in all sincerity – that the good thing in all the snark is I’ve been introduced to new work on Twitter because of it. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.”

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