Friday, June 28, 2024

Rally for Trump-Endorsed Hageman a YUGE Hit; Cheney Down 30% in Wyo.

'There is no RINO in America that has thrown in her lot with the radical left more than Liz Cheney... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) J6 Inquisition conspirator and RINO extraordinaire Liz Cheney kicked off her primary campaign by testing positive for COVID, learning she was polling deeply underwater in her own state and had been swamped by a huge rally for her opponent, Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman.

After contracting COVID earlier this month, Cheney said she had planed to work through her minor symptoms. She might need to work a lot harder.

A poll conducted May 24-25 by the conservative Club for Growth showed Cheney trailing by 30 points, down 56% to 26% versus Hageman.

Those numbers, it should be noted, were released before former President Donald Trump’s rally for Hageman over the Memorial Day weekend in Casper, Wyoming, pegged as the largest crowd in state history.

“There is no RINO in America that has thrown in her lot with the radical left more than Liz Cheney,” Trump told a cheering crowd, and blasted Cheney for “loving endless, nonsensical, bloody, horrible wars.”

“She’s the face of the Washington swamp and the same failed foreign policy of the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, the Bidens, and the entire sick, political establishment,” Trump said.

Those swamp connections have paid handsomely, with Cheney out-fundraising Hageman by a 6 to 1 margin, soaking up nearly $7 million cash on-hand in April, according to the Associated Press.

Not to worry, said Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., a featured speaker at the Wyoming rally.

“I got here by taking out a five-term, Republican incumbent,” Boebert said. “I am, Wyoming, a professional RINO hunter.

“And it’s been brought to my attention that your RINO-in-chief needs to be taken out of Wyoming.”

Boebert torched Cheney for growing government and catering to a rad-left media.

“I have not found a three-letter agency that Liz Cheney does not want to grow, a CNN interview that she does not want to take, or a war that she does not want to engage in and fund with your tax dollars,” Boebert said.

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