Sunday, June 16, 2024

Poll Shows Support Plummeting for Flip-Flopping Fauci

'Why don't you ever talk about natural immunity. Why have you never said the word Fluvoxamine once? ... '

(Tony Sifert, Headline USASupport for Covid Czar Anthony Fauci is eroding among Americans, especially among Republicans and Independents, according to a Trafalgar Group poll commissioned by the Daily Wire.

“A growing number of Americans are starting to sour on Dr. Anthony Fauci,” the Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips reported.

According to the poll 46.3% think Fauci should resign.

As one might expect, the poll is starkly divided according to respondents’ political party, with 75% of Republicans and only 17% of Democrats calling for the NIAD director’s resignation.

What is of particular interest, however, is the fact that 58% of Independents say they want Fauci to resign.

Though the poll did not ask about respondents’ reasoning, Phillips argued that a number of issues have contributed to Americans’ discontent with President Biden‘s COVID czar.

Phillips citied “shifting standards” on masks, vaccines, and social distancing; “contentious appearances” before Congress in which Fauci appears to lie about the funding of gain-of-function research; and “shifting goalposts” regarding the end of the pandemic.

“There’s been a frustration that is building in the medical profession about [Fauci],” Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University told Phillips.

“Why don’t you ever talk about natural immunity,” Makary continued. “Why have you never said the word Fluvoxamine once?”

Markary concluded his comment on Fauci by expressing frustration at the amount of “good data” on COVID mitigation that “we don’t hear from public health officials.”

One might also point to the fact that Fauci seems to have made 2-million dollars in income in 2020, partially as a result of what Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., has called his “significant investments” in Chinese companies.

Fauci has faced repeated calls for his resignation from Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., among others.

Even PETA has gotten in on the action, calling for the resignations of “everybody who heads a NIH agency right now” over “cruel experiments on dogs” that Fauci allegedly approved.

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