Monday, September 16, 2024

NC Rep. Madison Cawthorn Has MSNBC Running Scared

'Fake news MSNBC doesn’t want to ‘take the risk’ that I’ll come on their show and trigger the left with my America First message and burst their woke dystopian bubble... '

Spurred by activist lawfare henchman Marc Elias’ call to disqualify pro-freedom congressional candidates from running for office because of their involvement in the peaceful J6 protest, a group of leftists has launched an assault on democracy and free speech, targeting Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C., as their first potential scalp.

The hit job, however, resulted in what was assuredly a backfire of epic proportion. Cawthorn’s status as a fighter for his constituents and the Constitution only grew after MSNBC was caught fretting over the possibility that Cawthorn would actually accept an offer to appear on the far-left Rachel Maddow Show.

A producer for the show accidentally copied Cawthorn’s office on an email expressing concern about asking the firebrand conservative for a response to a story on the effort to disqualify him from running for office. The big worry? That Cawthorn would request an on-air facedown with Maddow.

“We are kinda interested in this AP story (below) that just dropped about Rep. Madison Cawthorn. A group of voters in NC is challenging his candidacy based on his ties to the insurrection,” the producer wrote, according to the email obtained by Fox News Digital.

“1. Do you or any other NBC Hill folks plan to ask him for comment on this story? 2. If not, is that something you guys could do? We don’t have a relationship with his office and between you and me are a little worried that if we did inquire he might ask to come on and explain. I know that is HIGHLY doubtful, but don’t want to take that risk. Luke Ball (?) I guess is the spox quoted?”

“Fake news MSNBC doesn’t want to ‘take the risk’ that I’ll come on their show and trigger the left with my America First message and burst their woke dystopian bubble,” Cawthorn said in an email response to Headline USA.

“The left doesn’t want debate from conservatives they want silence. And now we have it in writing,” he said. “What is Rachel Maddow afraid of?! I guess the truth hurts!”

The left-wing nonprofit Free Speech for People filed a candidacy challenge against Cawthorn, arguing he can’t run for office because he violated the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. A section of the amendment states that no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same.”

The filing argues that the events on Jan. 6 “amounted to an insurrection” and because Cawthorn gave an inspirational and patriotic speech as part of the peaceful J6 rally, those actions provide a “reasonable suspicion or belief” that he helped facilitate the insurrection and is thus disqualified.

Cawthorn’s comments during the J6 protest included his observation that the “crowd had some fight in it.”

“The Democrats, with all the fraud they have done in this election, the Republicans hiding and not fighting, they are trying to silence your voice,” Cawthorn said during the rally. “Make no mistake about it, they do not want you to be heard.”

Just ask Rachel Maddow and her gang of MSNBC hypocrites.

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