Saturday, September 28, 2024

National Security Agents Using ‘Woke’ Policies to Divide US Politically

'Groups like Antifa/BLM didn’t just spring up out of thin air...'

An unclassified training report from the U.S. Special Operations Command shows how U.S. forces take advantage of “wokeness” within other countries’ cultures to create divisions and sow discord, but some U.S. national security professionals are now using those same tactics to divide the U.S. domestically, reported Revolver News.

“Insofar as wokeness serves as an ideological vehicle with which to identify and inflame ethnic and gender grievances, it is tremendously useful — even integral — to America’s influence strategies overseas,” said Revolver.

And, increasingly, it is useful here at home for leftists.

That’s in part because all countries, including the U.S., have members of the society that are dissatisfied about something.

“Covert Influence Operations can be something as simple as starting a ‘rumor campaign’, nurturing it and watching it grow until it gets legs of its own, to infiltrating the news media and controlling the narrative,” a former trainer on covert influence with the CIA, Del W Wilber, told Headline USA.

China, Russia, and Iran are using it against us right now, and have been for decades,” Wilber added.

The trouble, said Revolver, is that wokeness has been turned into a domestic political weapon by some American national security professionals who first used it against foreign adversaries.

“We further observed that national security professionals weren’t simply using the same tactics against Trump as they would against target regimes overseas,” said Revolver, “but that many of the most prominent Trump opponents in the national security apparatus were actually color revolution professionals themselves.”

That is, they first participated in creating revolutions in foreign countries like Ukraine, before deploying at home in the U.S.

“Groups like Antifa/BLM didn’t just spring up out of thin air,” agreed Wilber.

Revolver said that the resemblance between scenes in the Ukraine and BLM protests at home aren’t just coincidental.

In 2018, Politico did a profile of prominent anti-communist Gene Sharp, whose books inspired the downfall of Soviet domination of the various republics.

“I would rather have this book than the atomic bomb,” the Lithuanian defense minister declared about one of Gene’s books, according to Politico, after Lithuania successfully bid for independence from Moscow .

Today, these same books, considered practically a bible by national security professionals, have recently been used by Occupy protestors, pipeline obstructionist, MAGA haters and BLM.

“Radical elements in our society like Antifa, BLM and others have been used throughout our history by our enemies,” said Wilber.

But, increasingly, it seems they are also being used by our national security professionals against the rest of us.

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