Friday, July 26, 2024

MURDOCK: RNC Shatters Left’s Myth of Racist President

'The Democratic Party does not want Black people to leave the mental plantation they’ve had us on for decades...'

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) The chief victim of this week’s Republican National Convention is the Democrat Big Lie that President Donald J. Trump is a minority-and-immigrant-hating racist and xenophobe.

A parade of speakers of color and Americans with foreign accents turned this slander into a smoking, smoldering ruin.

“It is an honor to be with you as a proud Republican and supporter of Donald J. Trump,” said Kentucky’s charismatic attorney general, Daniel Cameron, age 34.

“I also think about Joe Biden, who says, ‘If you aren’t voting for me, you ain’t black,’” he continued. “Who argued that Republicans would put us ‘back in chains.’ Who says there is no diversity of thought in the black community. Mr. Vice President, look at me. I am black. We are not all the same, sir. I am not in chains. My mind is my own. And you can’t tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin.”

“I know what racism looks like. I’ve seen it first hand. In America, it has no resemblance to President Trump,” said NFL veteran Jack Brewer, a black man and lifelong Democrat. “I’m fed up with the way he’s portrayed in the media, who refuse to acknowledge what he has actually done for the black community.”

So what has President Trump done for blacks?

  • Before the China virus capsized everything, Trumponomics delivered blacks and Hispanics the lowest unemployment rates in American history.
  • Thanks to the Trump/GOP Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, $75 billion in private investment have poured into 8,700 Opportunity Zones. They are invigorating low-income, chiefly minority communities.
  • President Trump’s First Step Act has freed from mass incarceration some 3,100 largely black, non-violent inmates.
  • President Trump has secured long-term funds, summer-school Pell Grant access, debt forgiveness, and much more for America’s 101 Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
  • President Trump has increased school-choice options and funded the Washington, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, mainly benefiting black children.

But blacks are not the only people of color to gain from President Trump’s public policies.

“President Trump delivered the largest financial funding package ever to Indian country,” Navajo Nation Vice-President Myron Lizer said from Ship Rock, New Mexico. “The $8 billion in CARES Act funding to Indian country was a great start in alleviating the devastating effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted on our Indian tribes.”

“I may be Cuban born, but I am 100-percent American,” said former immigrant Maximo Alvarez. “I choose President Trump because I choose America.”

Democrats did not appreciate Republicans showcasing people whom liberals have considered their personal property. When the Right went high, the Left went low.

Recalling all that his grandfather had witnessed, Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC, marveled: “Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.”

Equally pro-Trump state Rep. Vernon Jones, D-Ga., complained, “The Democratic Party does not want Black people to leave the mental plantation they’ve had us on for decades.”

Twitter quickly unleashed some 6,000 posts referring to these black elected officials as “Uncle Toms.”

One revolting Twitter user exploded: “If you were a slave trying to escape slavery these are the two people that [sic] will rat you out to the slave owner.”

On Tuesday night, Slovenian-born First Lady Melania Trump explained: “I studied for the test in 2006 and became an American citizen … with hard work and determination I was able to achieve my own American dream.”

Get that illegal alien off the stage!” demanded the deeply bigoted former entertainer Bette Midler. She added via Twitter: “Oh, God. She still can’t speak English.”

From Bette Midler to Joe Biden, it’s no surprise that Democrats are so grumpy.

The Republican rainbow of speakers and the Democrats’ bigoted backlash against them have left the Left’s fiercest, ugliest gun hopelessly jammed.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen’s July survey of likely voters found President Trump’s job approval among blacks at 36 percent. If just half of them vote for Trump, it’s bedtime for Biden.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.
Bucknell University’s Michael Malarkey contributed research to this opinion piece. 

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