Friday, October 18, 2024

Left-Wing Domestic Terrorists Attack GOP HQ’s in at Least Two States

'Hopefully law enforcement is able to identify these individuals before they inflict any more harm... '

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Leftist arsonists have attacked Republican campaign headquarters in at least two different states, Washington and Florida.

In Washington, the office of Republican Rep. J.T. Wilcox was set on fire.

Security camera footage shows one attacker hammering the glass of the office door, allowing the other to throw a flare inside the building. Both attackers were masked.

Wilcox posted the footage to Twitter after the attack, with a short statement:

“Early this morning a window was smashed and a lit flare was tossed into the office of my seatmate, Andrew Barkis. The building also houses the office of the House Republican election campaign. Fortunately the flare landed on a masonry floor and the building survived.”

Washington state’s Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement condemning the attacks.

“Such attempts at violence are abhorrent. We’re thankful no one was hurt. Hopefully law enforcement is able to identify these individuals before they inflict any more harm,” Inslee tweeted.

A similar incident took place on the far side of the country in Sarasota, Florida, where an “leftist antifa thug” vandalized the Sarasota GOP headquarters.

There is no clear photo of the attacker, but he spray painted the word “guns” surrounded by a heart, and the phrase “property of the NRA.”

It is unclear in both cases whether the culprits have been arrested.

Democrat Rep. Tina Podlodowski responded to the attack on her Washington colleagues in a snarky and condescending tone, not clearly condemning the violence.

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