Sunday, June 16, 2024

Los Angeles DA’s Office Flees Twitter, Cites ‘Vicious’ Attacks on Pride Posts

Parade posts were met with 'a barrage of vicious and offensive comments that left us deeply troubled...'

(Headline USA) The Los Angeles county district attorney’s office said Thursday it has left Twitter due to barrage of “vicious” homophobic attacks that were not removed by the social media platform even after they were reported.

The account, which went by the handle @LADAOffice, no longer exists on Twitter.

“Our decision to archive our Twitter account was not an easy one,” the office said in a statement. “It came after a series of distressing comments over time, culminating in a shocking response to photographs we posted celebrating LADA’s first known entry into a Pride parade.”

It said its Pride parade post was met with “a barrage of vicious and offensive comments that left us deeply troubled.”

The comments ranged from “homophobic and transphobic slurs to sexually explicit and graphic images,” the office said, adding that they remained visible in replies to the account more than 24 hours after they were reported to Twitter.

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, although not openly gay, is regarded as one of the poster-children of wokeism gone awry.

The George Soros-backed prosecutor has led the way in coddling violent criminals with light sentences—if charges are even pursued. The backlash resulted in a recall effort that nearly succeeded but was thwarted after the county registrar claimed that some of the signatures were invalid.

Twitter, whose new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, started on Monday, did not respond to a message for comment.

Elon Musk, who purchased the company last year specifically in response to the censorship of conservative speech, has described himself as a “free-speech absolutist” who believes Twitter’s previous policies were too restricting.

He has since released a tranche of documents showing the social-media company actively colluded with powerful Democrats and federal agencies to suppress valid information on a range of issues including the coronavirus and the 2020 election.

Last week, Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, resigned after Musk criticized Twitter’s handling of tweets about Matt Walsh’s documentary What Is a Woman?, which questions medical treatment for transgender children and teens.

Musk tweeted the video to his followers with the message, “Every parent should watch this.”

The Los Angeles district attorney’s office said Thursday it will remain active on other mainstream social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok but said, referring to Twitter, that it “will not be complicit and utilize a platform that promotes such hateful rhetoric.”

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press

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