Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kamala Gaslights for Groomers, Drops Her Pronouns for Abortion

'I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are ‘she’ and ‘her.’ I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USAKamala Harris is apparently aiming to become the chief cheerleader for groomers of kindergarten kids and pre-adolescent school children, along with championing abortion rights for people with disabilities.

During an interview with activist Brian Tyler Cohen, the vice president once again blatantly lied about Florida’s parental rights in education bill and used it to push for groomers in K-3 classrooms “to be able to love openly and teach what they believe is important for people to understand.”

Gaslighting for groomers is nothing new for Harris, who has repeatedly misrepresented Florida’s legislation as the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

The audacity of Harris lying about legislation that was designed to keep parents informed of their kids’ exposure to leftist-bent sexual dogma as an encouragement for groomers, struck a sour note with Blaze Media’s Dave Rubin, who rightfully noted that Harris “knows it’s not called the Don’t Say Gay bill,” and knows its real purpose.

“It’s about you wouldn’t want a 45-year-old teacher, whether he was male or female or … he was a they them or a furry or a puppy or whatever,” Rubin said.

“You wouldn’t want that person or peoples, or whatever they call themselves, talking to a 6-year-old about gender or sex or sexuality in a room privately and not reporting it to the parents.”

But that, of course, is exactly what Harris wants. And she demonstrated again that she doesn’t mind twisting the truth to achieve a pre-determined end.

In the same vein, Harris hijacked a roundtable discussion to mark the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and used it to advance the Democrats’ relentless pro-abortion crusade.

But not before she topped her feat of being the first woman of color to hold the vice presidency by becoming the first vice president to publicly announce her preferred pronouns.

“I want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time,” the Veep said.

“I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are ‘she’ and ‘her.’ I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.”

Harris supporters scolded any critics for their supposed insensitivity.

“It’s an event commemorating the Americans with Disabilities Act, you mean-spirited ghoul,” wrote one.

“Attendees decided to help blind participants feel more included by using visual language when introducing themselves.”

Which almost sounds reasonable, except that after Harris was done with her pronoun pandering she revealed the true intent of the meeting.

“So, we have convened knowing that the ADA was signed into law to protect the rights of Americans with disabilities,” Harris informed.

“And with the recent Dobbs decision by the United States Supreme Court, I have particular concerns about how that decision will uniquely impact Americans with disabilities.”

Harris was as quick to use the ADA to promote abortions as she was to use Florida’s parental rights bill to peddle grooming as acceptable behavior.

“These abortion restrictions that are being put in place around our country by extremist so-called leaders in various states will have a disproportionate impact on people with disabilities,” Harris said, apparently regardless of their pronoun or gender-identity status.

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