Wednesday, June 26, 2024

J6 Tribunal TV Premiered w/ Race Card, Lies & Conspiracy Theories

'I am from a part of the country where people justified the actions of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and lynching... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The J6 Inquisition’s professionally-produced, multi-million dollar Tribunal TV show did itself no favors Thursday night, starting the first episode of their fantasy mini-series with accusations of racism, rants about lynchings, lies by omission and lies bold as day, all sprinkled with delusional conspiracy theories.

“There’s no place for politics or partisanship in this investigation,” Tribunal chair Bennie Thompson proclaimed of the committee that was baptized in partisan politics and limited to only rad-left Democrats and two Trump-hating RINOs.

“Our only charge is to follow the facts where they lead us,” Thompson said, and that was apparently to his preconceived notion that anybody who questioned the 2020 presidential election deserved the same treatment as anyone who would support slavery, the KKK and lynchings.

“I am from a part of the country where people justified the actions of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and lynching,” Thompson said.

“I’m reminded of that dark history as I hear voices today try and justify the actions of the insurrectionists on January 6th, 2021.”

Thompson bleated about people “in this audience who thirst for power but have no love or respect for what makes America great,” and their insurrectionist audacity to challenge the results of an election.

Thompson, several observers noted, had successfully used Tribunal TV to expose a true insurrectionist.

“When does he get accused of attempting a coup?” Townhall’s Spencer Brown asked of the political outlaw Thompson.

Thompson, of course, wasn’t the only inquisitors using Tribunal TV to sell a load of lies, grind political axes, grossly insult millions of Americans and spread their own J6 mal-information.

Never-Trumper Liz Cheney, RINO-Wyo., sunk to new swamp lows when she used Tribunal TV to air an altered clip to smear former President Donald Trump.

Cheney didn’t stop there, spinning a wild conspiracy theory about Trump setting the events of J6 in motion with a nefarious tweet from December 2020 that read, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” reported the New York Post.

Trump orchestrated the protests, and storming of the Capitol, pulling strings at all levels and exhorting his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally with bloodcurdling demands for armed rebellion, Cheney fabricated, contrary to all evidence.

“The FBI found no evidence President Trump, or his allies coordinated any part of the Capitol riots,” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., wrote in Townhall about Cheney’s fables.

“The January 6th Committee would like for you to ignore that.”

That type of valid but partisan roasting is expected from Biggs. But Cheney’s wild distortions were so far from reality, that even reliably leftist fake news media was forced to call out her lies.

“The idea that that rally is the thing that got out of hand and that somehow resulted in the breaching of the Capitol – that rally was very far from the Capitol,” said MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

“And the people who did the initial breach that allowed everyone to come in, they never even went to that rally.”

While Maddow continued to peddle the Inquisition’s false narrative that police didn’t let crews of peaceful protesters into the Capitol, she was apparently convinced by Tribunal TV’s broadcast that Orange Man Bad wasn’t to blame for the storming of the Capitol.

That’s probably not the ratings review chief inquisitor Nancy Pelosi had hoped to receive after the first episode of its show trial mini-series, which likely explains why they’re already scrambling to lower public expectations.

“Translation?” asked RedState. “They have nothing after millions spent in their exercise to demonize their political opponents.”

The Biden Regime was quick to monetize the TV production, absent rave reviews, giving the political theater the reverence it deserved by shamelessly using the sham production to shill donations for the Democratic National Committee.

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