Thursday, October 17, 2024

Illinois Gov. Squandered $300K in COVID Relief for Violent BLM Group

'It is unclear how that purpose was served by distributing money to a local Black Lives Matter chapter... '

(Tony Sifert, Headline USAIllinois Democrat Gov. J. B. Pritzker wasted at least $300,000 of federal COVID relief money on a Black Lives Matter subsidiary that is now facing eviction from its offices, Just the News reported.

According to a December 2021 report from the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, Pritzker distributed at least $300,000 of federal ARPA funds to Black Lives Matter of Lake County, which Just the News reports has just been served with an eviction notice.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 — signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021 — was intended to provide relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19 — on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses.”

It is unclear how that purpose was served by distributing money to a local Black Lives Matter chapter.

Black Lives Matter of Lake County, Illinois was founded by a certain Clyde McLemore, 63, who was arrested in February 2021 for threatening a police officer during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the shooting of Jacob Blake.

McLemore allegedly kicked in a door at the Kenosha Public Safety Building and threatened to break a police officer’s fingers, Kenosha News reported at the time of his arrest.

In a statement posted on his self-created GoFundMe campaign page, McLemore claimed that he kicked the door after being pepper-sprayed by police and that “the Kenosha police trample upon protestors’ constitutional rights.”

“No one was injured during this so-called altercation,” McLemore wrote. “There is a white and black law in Kenosha.”

McLemore asked for donations to help defray his legal costs. No doubt, the $300,000 bestowed on his organization by Gov. Pritzker has come in handy.

McLemore was also involved in “protests in Racine following the Jan. 17, 2018, shooting of Donte Shannon by Racine Police,” Kenosha News reported.

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