Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fmr. US Attorney Rips DOJ Cover-Up to Protect Joe Biden

'We’re looking at a DOJ who refuses to prosecute certain cases now that have a political angle to them...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) In a stunning revelation, a former federal prosecutor told former Rep. Trey Gowdy, now a Fox News host, that the DOJ is intentionally refusing to prosecute potential crimes related to the infamous shady business dealings by the Biden family.

Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman appeared on Fox News’ Sunday Night in America to speak about the dire findings involving the Biden family and their role in alleged schemes to make millions from foreign adversaries.

The findings, released earlier this month by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee, unveiled that several Biden relatives allegedly received $10 million through 20 shell LLC companies. LLC companies are infamously known as a tool for fraudsters to hide potentially illegal dealings, a point echoed by Tolman.

“You have four banks, only four that they receive documents from their subpoena—those four banks revealed $10 million dollars had been passed through up to 25 different LLCs to nine different members of the Biden and friends,” Tolman told Gowdy, who was hosting the Sunday show.

“I look at that, Trey, and you and I know very clearly if you can’t identify what the business of those 25 LLCs are, then what you have is a shell game to move money,” he continued.

Gowdy, a former member of the U.S. Congress, responded by slamming the legacy media for ignoring the implications of the findings, saying he was shocked at the House Oversight report but questioned whether the DOJ would prosecute any of the allegations.

“Do you think DOJ pays attention or are they investigating or not investigating in other ways?” Gowdy asked the former prosecutor, who answered negatively

“I was a federal prosecutor first and then I became U.S. attorney. The very last case I had involved shell LLCs and the movement of money and we couldn’t identify what the actual business was and it’s the kind of case that was the bread and butter of the fraud and corruption unit at DOJ,” Tolman said before torching the DOJ for refusing to prosecute cases because of politics.

“We’re looking at a DOJ who refuses to prosecute certain cases now that have a political angle to them,” the former U.S. attorney added.

The former U.S. attorney criticized the DOJ for doubling down in their cases against individuals granted clemency by former President Donald J. Trump.

“They’ll re-prosecute, you know, Philip Esformes who was given clemency by President Trump, but they won’t go after a Joe Biden family member who appears to be in a crime syndicate,” he concluded.

Trump commuted Esformes’ sentence after he was sentenced to 20 years in prison over a $1.3 billion Medicare fraud scheme.

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