Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden DOJ Appeals Obama Judge’s Order to Release Memo on Russia Hoax

'The Attorney General’s determination ... undoubtedly qualifies as a decision, even if it could not have resulted in an actual prosecution of the sitting President...'

(Headline USA) In a move that ironically pits the far-left Biden administration against a radical leftist activist group backed by a judicial appointee of Barack Obama, the Biden administration pushed back against releasing legal memo on whether President Donald Trump had obstructed justice during the Russia investigation.

The lawsuit was being waged by the activist group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, led by unabashedly partisan anti-Trump lawyer Norm Eisen— who served as a chief counsel for Democrats during the first Trump impeachment attempt—and others closely tied to the Democrat machine.

Yet, the appeal suggests that the full memo may not offer the damning dirt that activists believe it would, and that keeping it relegated to the imaginations of party faithfuls might better serve the overall agenda.

The Justice Department did, however, make pubic a brief portion of the document showing that senior DOJ leaders concluded the evidence collected by the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” sting and, subsequently, the two-year-long Mueller investigation could not support an obstruction prosecution.

Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, a far-left Obama appointee, had ordered the Justice Department to release the March 2019 memo as part of a public records lawsuit.

Jackson claimed the department, under Attorney General William Barr, had misstated the purpose of the document in arguing that it was legally entitled to withhold it from the group.

In a motion filed late Monday, the deadline for deciding whether it would comply with the judge’s decision or appeal it, the Justice Department said that it continued to believe that the full document should be exempt from disclosure. The lawyers asked Jackson to put her order on hold while it appeals the ruling to a federal appeals court.

At issue is a March 24, 2019 memo from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel that was prepared for Barr to evaluate whether evidence collected in special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation could support an obstruction of justice prosecution of the president.

Barr has said he looked to that opinion in determining that Trump did not illegally obstruct the Russia probe.

The Justice Department turned over other documents to CREW as part of the group’s lawsuit, but declined to give it the OLC memo.

Government lawyers said they were entitled under public records law to withhold the memo because it reflected internal deliberations among lawyers before any formal decision had been reached.

But Jackson said those arguments were disingenuous because the memo was prepared for Barr at the same time as a separate Justice Department letter informing Congress and the public that Barr and senior department leaders had concluded that Trump had not obstructed justice.

She said the OLC memo could therefore not have been “predecisional” in nature if the Justice Department had already decided that there would be no obstruction case.

In its motion Monday, Justice Department lawyers said the government never meant to mislead the court but acknowledged that some of its language could have been clearer.

The department said the decision before the attorney general was not whether to prosecute Trump since the indictment of a sitting president is precluded by longstanding Justice Department policy.

Rather, the question that the memo set out to address was whether the facts gathered by Mueller could warrant a criminal case. That question, the government says, was a genuine decision that had to be made.

“The Attorney General’s determination on that point—and on what, if anything, to say to the public about that question—undoubtedly qualifies as a decision, even if it could not have resulted in an actual prosecution of the sitting President,” Justice Department lawyers wrote.

“There was no legal bar to determining that the evidence did or did not establish commission of a crime, a determination the Attorney General made and announced,” they added.

The brief portion of the memo that the department agreed to disclose shows that two senior Justice Department leaders advised Barr that, in their view, Mueller’s evidence could not support beyond a reasonable doubt the conclusion that Trump had obstructed justice.

In addition to fearing the memo could undermine the last vestiges of the Left’s phony Russia narrative by revealing the deliberations to be of little consequence, DOJ officials might also fear the precedent that would be set by cooperating with the activists.

Biden has faced his own accusations of collusion, particularly those concerning his private family business deals with China, Ukraine and other foreign entities. By supporting the legal principle that Trump might have been prosecuted, he could potentially subject himself to further scrutiny or legal issues.

Meanwhile, leftist partisan prosecutors such as Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James continue to target Trump with the threat of criminal charges on unrelated issues related to his family business.

That likely will set up a showdown of epic proportions should they attempt to arraign him without meeting a considerably higher bar than the so-called evidence that formed the basis of the Russia hoax.

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press

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