Thursday, October 17, 2024

PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Brags about Removing Trump, Spreading ‘Propaganda’

'He’s a problem for the Democratic Party ... So we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him...'

A CNN director was caught boasting that the network removed former president Donald Trump from office by spreading propaganda.

“Look at what we did, we got Trump out,” gloated Charles Chester, a network technical director at CNN, in an undercover video published by Project Veritas.

Chester reportedly believed himself to be on a Tinder date with the unnamed journalist.

“I am 100% going to say it,” he added. “And I 100% believe it that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.”

Chester went on to brag to the undercover reporter about how he was “one step down” from a director and admitted that CNN pushed a story “it didn’t know anything” about regarding Trump’s physical health in order to hurt his 2020 reelection campaign.

“Trump was, I don’t know, like, shaking his hand or whatever … We brought in, like, so many medical people to like all tell a story that, like, it was all speculation that he was, like, neurologically damaged, that he was losing it, he’s unfit to, you know, whatever,” Chester said. “We were creating a story that we didn’t know anything about.”

Chester also said CNN tried to paint President Joe Biden as young and health to combat criticisms of his old age and possibly declining mental state.

“We would always show shots of him jogging… him in his aviator shads, and, like, you paint him as a young geriatric,” he explained.

Chester then admitted CNN regularly engaged in “propaganda” to hurt various Republican officials, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.

“If the agenda, say, is to get Matt Gaetz right now, he’s, like, this Republican,” Chester said when asked how he defines propaganda.

“He’s a problem for the Democratic Party … So we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him. That’s propaganda because it’s helping CNN in some way.”

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