Wednesday, June 26, 2024


SELLERS: Can Capitalism Explain Why Left Is Now Bereft of Common Sense?

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) While The Simpsons most often gets credit for predicting the future, no film seems as prescient in a broader overall sense as Mike Judge's 2006 satirical comedy Idiocracy. The cult classic from the creator of Beavis and Butthead revolves around a contemporary slacker put into a...

Dominion Sued over ‘Severe Anomalies’ in 2020 Voting Machines

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Fulton County Board of Elections in Pennsylvania sued Dominion Voting Systems for "breach of contract" after finding "severe anomalies" in its voting machines during the 2020 general election. Two Fulton County commissioners joined in the lawsuit. The plaintiffs asked the 39th Pennsylvania Court of Common...

Fed Sets Another Rate Hike to Combat Bidenflation, Signals More Pain to Follow

(The Center Square) – The U.S. Federal Reserve announced yet another interest rate hike Wednesday, the latest in a series of interest rate increases to address elevated inflation that experts say could have serious negative effects on the economy. The Fed said it will raise interest rates another three quarters...

‘Wizard of Oz’ Remake Goes Woke, Plans to Include LGBTQ Representation

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Black filmmaker Kenya Barris said he will incorporate LGBTQ representation and other left-wing ideological themes when he remakes The Wizard of Oz. Barris pledged not to let art and creativity deter him from telling "a story that reflects the world," or at least the Left's urban...

Science Denier Stacey Abrams Claims Ultrasounds a Vast Male Conspiracy

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Failed political candidate and science-denier Stacey Abrams is up to her old tricks, this time suggesting that ultrasound machines are part of a patriarchal conspiracy to stop women from committing infanticide via abortion. Likely desperate for attention as she appears to be looking at a second...

Unhinged Snowflake Arrested for Smashing Projector at TPUSA Event

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Turning Point USA contributor Benny Johnson was speaking at the University of Iowa when his presentation was interrupted and his projector was drop-kicked by a violent leftist. Johnson was speaking about the subject of memes, and had a meme of Vice President Kamala Harris failing to...

Rashida Tlaib Tries to Coerce Banks to Cancel Fossil Fuels, Fails Epically

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) At a House Financial Services Committee hearing, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., pressed the nation's top financial institutions to stop servicing fossil fuel companies, leading JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to call the plan a "road to Hell for America." Rep. @RashidaTlaib challenges bank CEOs to agree...

Leftist Media Celebrates the Projected Loss of America’s Christian Majority

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The leftist media has excitedly reported a new Pew study that projects the loss of America's Christian majority, and thus the loss of the historical religion of the American people, by 2070. The new Pew study projects that America will cease to be a majority Christian country by...

SHOCK: Dems Now Shoveling Resources to Protect Oregon Gov. Race

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As the 2022 midterms approach, Democrats appear to be panicking that they might lose even traditional leftist strongholds, especially as they give up on enforcing the law across the country. Perhaps most indicative of this trend is the Democratic Governors Association's recent dumping of over a...

Appeals Court Retracts Ruling that Blocked DOJ’s Anti-Trump Fishing Expedition

(Headline USA) A federal appeals court on Wednesday permitted the Justice Department to resume its use of classified records seized from former President Donald Trump's Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, as part of its ongoing criminal investigation. The injunction issued earlier by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, which also permitted the appointment...

Suspect Who Admitted Using Car to Mow Down Republican Teen is Freed on Bail

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) After reportedly admitting that he used his car to mow down and fatally kill a Republican teenager because of a “political argument,” Shannon Brandt was released from jail Tuesday after posting $50,000, according to court documents. Brandt, 41, of North Dakota, was behind bars for less than...

GOP Rep. Bishop Destroys J6 Sicknick Lie Dems Used to Pass Election Reform Act

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) House Democrats deployed their fabulist narratives about the insurrectionist horrors of Jan. 6 and used them as a fulcrum and dubious justification to peddle their partisan Presidential Election Reform Act. The bill, which on Wednesday passed along party lines except for nine Republican votes, requires that at least...
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