Tuesday, January 14, 2025


NYTimes Publisher Defends Racist Historical-Revisionism Project

'That the New York Times ... should lead this charge is horrifying. That the errors are aimed at schoolchildren is reprehensible...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) The publisher of the New York Times was confronted on Wednesday over the newspaper’s racist and woefully inaccurate “1619 Project.” But instead of disavowing the credibility-shattering attempt...

Cuomo to Unemployed New Yorkers: Get ‘Essential’ Job So You Won’t ‘Kill Anyone’

'The illness is death. What is worse than death?...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that if New Yorkers are eager to get back to work during the Wuhan virus pandemic, they should find jobs that his administration has deemed "essential." “You want to go to work,...

Alleged COVID Drug ‘Whistleblower’ Hires Blasey Ford’s Dem Activist Attorneys

'I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science---not politics or cronyism---has to lead the way...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The attorneys who helped coordinate a politically motivated rape hoax that divided the nation are now representing a demoted government scientist who claims he was a whistleblower about...

Wisconsinites to Protest COVID Restrictions Despite Gov’t.’s Denial of Permit

'The Permit was filed as a courtesy to not ruffle feathers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Citizens protesting Wisconsin’s shelter-in-place order vowed to continue protesting even though the state government refused to give the group an official permit. Wisconsin requires protesters to acquire permits before organized events, but a spokeswoman for Wisconsin’s...

Rep.: Junk Scientists Whose Models Hyped COVID Should ‘Be Held Accountable’

'I think it's time to consider ... that this lockdown---as opposed to the more moderate mitigation efforts---is a colossal public policy calamity...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Amid growing unrest from the Right over the country's highly restrictive stay-at-home orders, some conservative leaders said it was now time to reassess the...

BARR: Justice Dept. Will Act Against States w/ Onerous Shutdown Orders

'These are very, very burdensome impingements on liberty'... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department would consider taking action against states that take shelter-in-place orders too far. “To the extent that governors don’t and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce ... then...

WATCHDOG: Limiting Immigration Will Help Americans Get Back to Work

'Visas exist because companies have succeeded in creating this narrative that there are a shortage of workers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump's announcement that he would temporarily suspend immigration during the coronavirus pandemic may be a step in the right direction, but according to a leading immigration-enforcement watchdog,...

Declassified Footnotes Prove Schiff Complicit in FBI/Russian Smear Campaign

'Until yesterday's release, it was hard to 100% disprove Schiff's memo just from the FISA itself...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., was caught in another blatant lie after recently declassified footnotes from an inspector general's probe showed that language from an FBI surveillance application was ripped almost...

WHO Continues as China Mouthpiece; Insists COVID Not from Wuhan Lab

'As we said early on, there is no way this virus came from us...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The World Health Organization claimed there is no evidence the coronavirus originated in China’s Wuhan lab, despite multiple reports that suggest otherwise. Last week, the Washington Post reported that the State Department had...

Sen. Pleads w/ Justice Dept. to Keep Bernie Madoff in Prison Amid COVID Releases

'It is imperative the Federal Bureau of Prisons strongly considers the financial, emotional and physical devastation that some inmates have caused...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) District attorneys, mayors and governors are using the Wuhan coronavirus as a reason to deploy radical left-wing criminal-justice policies across the country. But Sen. John Kennedy,...

Lib Media Use False Flag—Literally—to Bash ‘Nazi’ Trump for Protest Support

'This ... flag is all you need to know about the pro-Trump open Michigan rally today...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Left-wing media operatives fell back on their first line of offense last week while attempting to neutralize freedom-fighting protesters---by implying that they were Nazis and white supremacists, among other things. However,...

Zuckerberg: Facebook Censors Those Who Challenge ‘Social Distancing’

'We have to let nature do what otherwise the vaccine would do and that is create people who are immune...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Monday that he will censor anyone guilty of spreading “harmful misinformation” about the Wuhan coronavirus on the world’s...
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