Thursday, September 19, 2024


Dem. Attorneys Continue Attack on Nuns over Obamacare Contraception Exemption

'This is a nonsensical political battle that has dragged on six years too long...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A Supreme Court ruling and executive policy change in their favor haven't stopped a group of Catholic nuns from being hounded by left-wing lawyers in blue states that seek to force them...

San Francisco Caves on Attempt to Blacklist Business Partners of ‘Terrorist’ NRA

'Some elected officials would rather silence opposing arguments than engage in good-faith debate...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A group known for its strong defense of the Second Amendment found itself safeguarding the First Amendment as well during a recent stand-off with California's radical "sanctuary cities." The National Rifle Association celebrated a victory...

Biden on the Ropes as Trove of Records May Reveal Ukrainian Corruption

'Such allegations of corruption deserve due scrutiny, and the American people have a right to know when foreign forces attempt to undermine our democratic processes...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the impeachment probe into President Donald Trump deepens, one of the central questions will be whether he was justified in...

Whistleblower Complaint Full of Misleading Distortions, Evidence of Partisan Bias

'I do not know the extent to which, if at all, Mr. Giuliani is directly coordinating his efforts on Ukraine with Attorney General Barr or Durham...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The public release of a complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower shed light on some of the intrigue surrounding Ukrainian...

Trump’s Ukraine Transcript a ‘Nothing Burger’ for Dems w/ Serious Diplomatic Implications

'The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty, so we will take care of that...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Forced by partisan Democrats under threat of impeachment, President Donald Trump on Wednesday released the transcript of a July conversation...

Biden Sent Creepy Three-Word Note to Rape Victim

'He’s even taken a tragedy involving his family to try to make it seem more favorable to him...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Chanel Miller shocked the nation with an account of her 2015 rape while attending a Stanford University fraternity party. It was followed by a trial that outraged many MeToo...

‘SHE’S A B**CH:’ Liberal Women Voters See Warren’s Persona as a Liability

'Everything she said was great, but to me it's like, right, that's not going to happen...' Editor's Note: Article contains mild profanity. (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A familiar refrain is emerging as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., moves to assume front-runner status in the Democratic presidential primary: She's a bitch. Axios reported on...

Who Boycotts Businesses Over Politics? Activists Fit THIS Profile…

'Undermining the credibility of the claims behind the brand is much more pernicious than people saying, "OK, let’s all punish this brand..."' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A new survey revealed that nearly three in 10 Americans had boycotted a brand for political reasons---but despite the vast array of virtue-signaling leftist...

REVEALED: McCabe Memo Tells of Rosenstein Offer to Wear Wire to Record Trump

'This incredible memo details the conflicted and conniving coup effort against President Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A week after the firing of FBI Director James Comey, in May 2017, then-Acting Director Andrew McCabe sought to enlist new Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein into a sting operation against President Donald...

Dems Cry Foul on Trump’s Alleged Coercion of Ukraine, but Biden Did Worse

'I looked at them and said, "I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money..."' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As information continued to unfold in what the media sought to hype as a massive scandal for President Donald Trump over his alleged conversation...

WATCHDOG: Cowardly Nike CEO Should Resign, Let Kaepernick Take Charge

'It's clear to me that Kaepernick is running the show to align Nike with a very niche cop-hating, anti-American clientele...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A pro-capitalist, libertarian corporate watchdog tried calling Nike to task at a recent shareholder meeting, then demanded its CEO step down in favor of the apparel...

Gender-Bending Highlights New PC Agenda Items to Merriam-Webster Dictionary

'Words can come and go in a language, but those that show staying power and increasing use need to be recorded and described...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the lead-up to next year's presidential election, Democrats have added a new ally to the "resistance": Merriam--Webster's dictionary. It announced Tuesday that it...
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