Sunday, October 20, 2024


DHS Secretary: ‘We Will Not Retreat’ from Portland Until Violence Stops

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said federal agents in Portland “will not retreat” as violent protests continue in the city. Wolf defended the Department of Homeland Security’s mission in Portland even as Democrats and city leaders demanded that the federal officers leave. Federal officers’ role is crucial, Wolf said, especially...

Cancel Culture Finally Forces Planned Parenthood to Own Founder’s Racist Legacy

Left-wing cancel culture has come for one of its own---though in name only. Perhaps no one is more responsible for ravaging the African--American community than Margret Sanger. The celebrated founder of the nationwide abortion complex Planned Parenthood was an atrocious racist and eugenicist. This week, woke mobs finally came for the long-deceased...

Dems Steamed over Trumps’ Goya Support; Demand Bean-Gate Ethics Probe

Two Democratic senators are calling for an ethics review into whether Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and a senior White House adviser, violated federal ethics rules by tweeting her support for the Goya Foods brand. If it’s Goya, it has to be good. Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno. pic.twitter.com/9tjVrfmo9z —...

PELOSI: COVID-19 is the ‘Trump Virus’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the coronavirus should be called the “Trump virus” because of the president’s handling of the pandemic. .@SpeakerPelosi: "It is the Trump Virus... if he had said months ago, let's wear a mask, let's socially distance instead of having rallies, then more people would've followed...

Calif. Passes NY as COVID Case Leader; Media Still Carping on Red States

(Headline USA) California’s confirmed coronavirus cases have topped 409,000, surpassing New York for most in the nation. Meanwhile, liberal outlets---including a new poll by left-skewed Quinnipiac University---seemed laser-focused on critiquing conservative states where the spike was much less prevalent. John’s Hopkins University data show California has about 1,200 more cases than...

De Blasio Finally Lets NYPD Clear Month-Long Homeless ‘Protest’ at NYC City Hall

As the Trump administration increasingly moves to toughen up on leftist cities that have allowed violent riots to spiral out of control, New York's anti-cop mayor, Bill de Blasio, finally allowed the city's law enforcement to do their job. Police in riot gear moved in early Wednesday to clear a...

Emboldened by Riots, Va. Dems Push Radical ‘Criminal Justice’ Agenda

On the heels of a sweeping legislative overhaul that has made once conservative Virginia a full-fledged leftist stronghold resembling blue "sanctuary" states like California, the emboldened Democrat legislature is now taking up one of its most controversial packages yet. Virginia Democrats say they are looking to make transformational change to...

Rural Areas Scoff at Woke Mob’s Effort to Erase Confederacy

The statue of the anonymous Confederate soldier has stood in front of the white-columned East Feliciana Parish courthouse for more than a century, leaning on his rifle as he looks down on trucks hauling timber and residents visiting the bank across the street. It withstood an attempt to remove it...

US Orders China to Shutter Houston Consulate over Property Theft Concerns

(Headline USA) The United States said Wednesday that it has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston “to protect American intellectual property" and the private information of Americans. China strongly condemned the move, the latest in a series of steps by the Trump administration as it ratchets up pressure on...

Radical Resistance to Federal Peacekeepers becomes ‘Very Frightening’

(Headline USA) The Trump administration is facing growing resistance from radical lefitsts---in the courts and on the streets---to sending federal agents to Portland, Oregon, where protests have spiraled into violence, and vowing to do the same in other Democratic-led cities. Initially reluctant to provide tactical support during anarchist demonstrations in Seattle,...

Maxine Waters Interrupts Traffic Stop to Berate Officers

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., interrupted a traffic stop involving a black man during a burglary investigation. Maxine Waters intervened during a traffic stop involving a Black driver to ensure cops were doing their job properly. #StayOnTheUpnUp pic.twitter.com/XoaqB5mp9f — Maurice Ash (@TheMauriceAsh) July 20, 2020 Waters was reportedly driving in her home district...

Trump Re-Ups Pledge to Veto Bill Renaming Military Bases

The White House is threatening to veto a massive defense policy bill over a provision that would rename military bases such as Fort Bragg that are named after Confederate officers. The veto threat Tuesday came hours before the House approved the $741 billion annual defense authorization, a sprawling, bipartisan bill...
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