Saturday, September 7, 2024


Swamp-Dwelling Top FBI Lawyer Forced Out Amid Deepening Obamagate Scrutiny

'Clearly based on this response, the FBI is going to do nothing to fix the criminal activities within the FBI related to FISA warrant applications...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) FBI Chief General Counsel Dana Boente, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's acting attorney general prior to the appointment of...

Government Schools Block Parent Requests to Withdraw Kids to Homeschool Them

'They're trying to hold onto these students...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) America's largest organization dedicated to defending homeschool families said some public schools are preventing parents from withdrawing their children, Fox News reported. T.J. Schmidt, a lawyer for the Home School Legal Defense Association, said parents are pulling their children from...

ICE Joins Manhunt for Criminal Illegal Released by Wa. Sanctuary County

'It is our feeling that the most likely way for us to find out where Mr. Eckles is is to contact the person that was in possession of his vehicle...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Washington state joined the Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office in search of a...

CNN's Van Jones: All White People Have Racist 'Virus' in Their Brains

'A Klan member could not have been better trained...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) In response to a viral exchange between a white woman and a black man in Central Park, CNN contributor Van Jones said on Friday that white people, "even the most liberal, well-intentioned white" people, have a racist...

10 Ways Trump’s Twitter Fight Could Save America

Benefits of a social-media-free world range from resolving terrorism to literacy to homelessness... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) On Thursday, President Donald Trump, smarting from a new Twitter policy of arbitrarily---and inaccurately---fact-checking his tweets, pushed back with an executive order to hold Silicon Valley more accountable for its biased and unethical...

Twitter Censors Trump Again, This Time on Minneapolis Riot ‘Violence’ Tweet

'Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) One day after President Trump introduced an executive order that would hold Twitter and other Big Tech companies accountable for censorship, the social media giant added a warning label to one...

UPDATED: Is Mueller Deputy/Hoax Conspirator Weissmann Banking on Pardon from Quid-Pro-Joe?

'It doesn’t get any swampier than this...' UPDATE: Breitbart reports that Joe Biden has cancelled plans to hold an online fundraiser by Mueller investigation prosecutor Andrew Weissmann. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Andrew Weissmann---the ex-deep-state operative who leapfrogged from being a Justice Department investigator, to Mueller's sidekick, to Trump-bashing MSNBC...

Twitter Won't Allow Free Speech Advocates on Its Corporate Board of Directors

The company wishes to pretend to care about employees' free expression, while still wanting to ... sanction unpopular speech on the sly...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Twitter claims that "all voices" are "welcome" and "needed," yet the company rejected a proposal that would have included non-discrimination protections for employees who express unpopular...

Trump Moves to Hold Biased Twitter, Google Accountable w/ Executive Order

'When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A day after Twitter implemented its duplicitous new policy for fact-checking President Donald Trump, the president struck back with an executive order to hold the notoriously biased social-media giant...

CDC Flips Its Guidance on COVID Transmission AGAIN

'After media reports appeared that suggested a change in CDC’s view on transmissibility, it became clear that these edits were confusing...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Just one week after publishing guidance that suggested it was unlikely COVID-19 could spread via surfaces, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flip-flopped yet...

Calif. DA Targets Biden Victim Tara Reade w/ Probe into Credibility

'If those things were not true, then she may not have qualified as an expert...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A California district attorney launched an investigation this week into whether Tara Reade, the former congressional staffer who has accused presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault, gave false testimony as...

Indiana Gov’t Finally Returns Vehicle It Unconstitutionally Seized to Owner

'It was a weird feeling today. I didn’t believe that the vehicle would be mine again until I got home and saw it in my driveway...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Tyson Timbs, the 37-year-old Indiana resident who won his case before the Supreme Court last year, has finally had his...
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