Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Obama Solicitor General: Barr ‘More Nefarious … than Anything We Anticipated’

'This is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The sleazy, partisan lawyer commissioned by President Bill Clinton to rewrite the rules for independent investigations whined Thursday about how unfair those rules were after the Mueller Report exonerated President Donald Trump. Neal Katyal...

Techies Say Mueller Report’s Russian Bot Claims Are Overblown

'While the operation is alarming, it was actually quite modest in its scale and sweep...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the few things both sides can agree on regarding the findings of the Mueller Report into Russian collusion is that the Kremlin did interfere in the 2016 election. But in...

DOUBLE-STANDARD: Trump Never Invoked ‘Privilege,’ While Clinton Went to Court to ‘Obstruct’

'I think that will be a big plus sign for President Trump and the integrity of the campaign...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Unlike President Donald Trump---who never asserted executive privilege even as members of his campaign inner-circle faced jail time---the administration of impeached President Bill Clinton actually took his investigator, Special...

Project Veritas Wins Defamation Suit Brought by Abusive Union Boss

'As hard as it was to spend the roughly $350,000 defending ourselves in this case, it was worth every penny...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Project Veritas, the undercover, conservative journalism operation headed by James O'Keefe, announced Wednesday that it won a defamation suit brought against it by the head of...

Conservative Groups Run WSJ Ad Bashing SPLC’s Bigotry

'To continue to use SPLC's politically-driven labeling will be an endorsement of SPLC's blatant racism and bigotry...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A pair of Christian-based, conservative groups sought to turn the tables on the embattled Southern Poverty Law Center this week with an ad campaign that echoed the many attacks...

Is the Stage Being Set for Michelle Obama to Steal the 2020 Race?

'It's kind of like a wave that keeps building...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As Michelle Obama drew controversy Tuesday for outrageously comparing the current Trump administration to a "divorced dad," it is becoming increasingly clear the former first-lady may be gearing up for a run in 2020. If so, she would...

Judicial Watch Sues for Records Linking Clinton and FBI Lawyers

'The corrupted FBI owes Americans total transparency on this scandal...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As it continues its independent investigation into the collusion between the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama-era intelligence agencies, Judicial Watch is suing for records between the lawyers of the two concerned parties over the notorious Steele...

Omar Brushes Off 9/11 Controversy: ‘We Are Not There to Be Quiet’

'Everyone else’s truth is allowed, but my truth can never be...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A new crisis over statements by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., that downplayed the 9/11 terrorist attacks drew condemnation from conservative media on Wednesday, as even Democrats expressed increasing concerns over having to defend her rhetoric. The...

Fearful NFL Prospect Deletes His Pro-Trump, Anti-Kaepernick Tweets

'There is a chance I might end up in San Francisco...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Ohio State defensive end Nick Bosa, one of the top picks in the upcoming NFL draft, scrubbed his Twitter account recently of any risque political commentary that might that might enrage social justice warriors or...

KEN STARR: Hillary WAS Behind Vince Foster’s Death

'She told him he didn't get the picture, and he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former independent counsel Kenneth Starr---the one-time nemesis of the Clinton family---has now revealed that Hillary Clinton was behind the...

FBI Docs Show Clinton’s Private Server Host Concerned with ‘Cover Up’

'We should probably remove all Clinton files, folders, info off our servers etc. on an independent drive....' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A new release of documents provided to government-accountability guardians Judicial Watch added further support to the long-held suspicions that a concerted cover-up effort occurred to wipe the contents of...

Judicial Watch Seeks Details on State Dept. Role in Steele Dossier

'We intend to find out how deep the Deep State roots go in their effort to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The aftermath of the Mueller investigation has led to a flurry of activity for government-accountability guardians Judicial Watch. Since the Russian collusion report was submitted to Attorney...
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