Friday, September 27, 2024


Migrants Freed w/out Court Notices — and Sometimes No Paperwork

(Headline USA) Overwhelmed and underprepared, U.S. authorities are releasing migrant families on the Mexican border without notices to appear in immigration court or sometimes without any paperwork at all — time-saving moves that have left some migrants confused. The rapid releases ease pressure on the Border Patrol and its badly overcrowded...

Biden Against MLB Team’s Plan for Full Capacity; Wants to Punish Ga. Over Election Law

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden told ESPN on Wednesday it was a mistake for the Texas Rangers to allow full capacity at their ballpark for their first game. Speaking on the eve of opening day, Biden also said he supports discussions between Major League Baseball and the players' union on moving...

13 Attorneys General Sue Biden Admin over ‘No Tax Cuts’ Rule in Stimulus

(Associated Press) Attorneys general from 13 states sued President Joe Biden's administration on Wednesday over a rule in the federal stimulus that bars states from using relief money to offset tax cuts. The filing in U.S. District Court in Alabama asks judges to strike down the provision in the wide-ranging relief...

Why Dave Ramsey and Other Financial Gurus Are WRONG About Gold

Longtime gold bashers are gloating over the precious metal’s recent price slump. Gold prices have declined more than 10% in the first quarter of 2021. But the perma-bears shouldn’t feel vindicated. After all, anyone who heeded their advice missed out on gold’s record run in 2020 – and on many years...

Radical Activists Continue to Bully Companies over Ga. Voting-Integrity Law

(Headline USA) It may not have taken much for virtue-signaling leftist corporations like Coca-Cola to speak out against Georgia's newly passed laws strengthening election integrity. But the threat of boycotts and negative push-back from well-funded activist leaders, including those rooted in Atlanta's minority community, helped seal the deal. Some of Georgia's...

State Dept. Hints at Resuming Obama-Era Pet Project: Meddling in Ukraine

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden's family members and close business associates were able to cash in considerably by throwing their weight behind corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs in the former Soviet satellite's standoff with Russia. Indeed, there is strong evidence that Obama administration officials played a significant part in the 2014 "color...

Arkansas Passes Bill Banning Transgender Surgeries For Minors

Arkansas became the first state to pass a bill banning doctors from performing gender reassignment surgeries, hormonal treatments or other biologically-altering procedures on minor children. The Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act passed the state Senate in a 28-7 vote this week after it passed the state House earlier this month....

Parents Sue LA Schools, Teachers Union for Making Their Kids Depressed & Suicidal

A small group of parents are taking on the Los Angeles school system and demanding that the schools open their doors. Four sets of parents filed a personal injury lawsuit this week against the Los Angeles Unified School District, the United Teachers of Los Angeles and UTLA President Cecily--Myart Cruz. The...

GOP Sen.: Biden Hypocritical on Asian-Americans After Dropping Discrimination Lawsuit Against Harvard

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., in an op-ed for the New York Post called out President Joe Biden's failure to confront Asian discrimination at America's Ivy League universities, even as he denounces recent attacks against Asian Americans. Kennedy praised Biden for condemning the Atlanta massage-parlor attacks that left eight people dead,...

Zuckerberg Spent $36M to Boost Democrat Turnout in Texas’s Urban Counties

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg funneled $36 million into urban Texas counties to corrupt the state's election procedures and swing the state into Joe Biden's column, according to a research brief from the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Zuckerberg passed the money through an organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life,...

REPORT: Hunter Biden Helped Lobby for ANOTHER Corrupt Ukrainian Oligarch

Hunter Biden faced yet another scandal on Tuesday after investigative reporter John Solomon revealed he and a longtime business partner actively advocated on behalf of a Ukrainian fugitive indicted by the Obama administration. Like many other Biden family business dealings, it raised the concerns that the conflict of interests involving...

Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Governor’s Mask Mandate

(Headline USA) The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Democrat Gov. Tony Evers's statewide mask mandate on Wednesday, stripping the governor of one of his last remaining tools to attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The conservative-leaning court ruled 4-3 that Evers violated state law by unilaterally issuing multiple emergency...
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