Thursday, September 19, 2024


Should Cops Pelt BLM Protesters w/ Rubber Bullets?

(Kaiser Health News) As police in riot gear approached the demonstrators, Soren Stevenson raised his hands like scores of others and called out, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” Suddenly, tear gas canisters and rubber bullets rained down. The demonstrators had gathered for a sixth straight day to decry Minneapolis police officers’ use-of-force...

NO SURPRISE: Red States Top Those with Lowest Unemployment Rates

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Republican-led states and Vermont reported the lowest unemployment rates in April, according to a new report by the U.S. Commerce Department. States led by Democrat governors recorded the highest jobless rates, according to the report. Unemployment rates were lower in April in 12 states and the District...

Iowa Democrats’ Hopes Fade After Losing Congressional Seat Squeaker

(Associated Press) Democrats lost last year's election for Iowa's 2nd Congressional District by the narrowest margin in a House race in almost 40 years. After the six-vote heartbreaker, some expected Democrat Rita Hart to immediately declare a rematch in the southeast district long held by her party. So far, no Democrat has...

Fauci Defended & Funded Gain-of-Function Research Despite ‘Risk’ of Pandemic

Anthony Fauci advocated for gain-of-function research, which modifies pathogens to increase their lethality, in a speech and academic paper, calling the method "integral" for scientific advancement even though it could cause a "pandemic," The National Pulse reported. In a 2013 speech for the National Institutes of Health on "Gain-of-Function Research...

California to Convert Abandoned Shopping Malls into Low Income Housing

(Headline USA) California state lawmakers are grappling with a particularly 21st-century problem: What to do with the growing number of shopping malls and big box retail stores left empty by people shifting their purchases to the web. A possible answer in crowded California cities is to build low-income housing on...

Californians Travel & Relax Before State Lifts COVID Regulations

(Headline USA) Californians headed to campgrounds, beaches and restaurants over the long holiday weekend as the state prepared to shed some of its heavy-handed coronavirus rules. Southern California beaches were busy with families barbecuing and children playing in the sand and surf. Business owners said they were scrambling to hire...

Biden Asks Court to Dismiss Canadian Drug Import Lawsuit

(Headline USA) The Biden administration is urging a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit that could stand in the way of Florida and other states importing prescription drugs from Canada. In a legal brief filed Friday, the White House argues that the lawsuit filed last year on behalf of U.S....

Mexican Cartels Hire More Americans to Smuggle Drugs Due to Virus Restrictions

(Headline USA) An increasing number of American citizens have been apprehended as they have tried to smuggle illegal drugs into the U.S. since the start of the coronavirus restrictions, an uptick that's come amid travel restrictions at the border with Mexico. For more than a year, the closure of the...

UPDATE: Texas Dems Walk Out, Thwart Vote on Election Integrity Bill Before Deadline

UPDATE 5/31/21 6:00 AM VIA AP: Texas Democrats pulled off a dramatic, last-ditch walkout in the state House of Representatives on Sunday night to block passage of one of the strongest election integrity bills in the U.S., leaving Republicans with no choice but to abandon a midnight deadline and declare...

The 10 States Where Residents Pay the Highest LIFETIME Taxes

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) In the mood for a depressing statistic? A new report from the financial services firm Self concludes that the average American will pay an astounding $525,037 in taxes over their lifetime—roughly 34 percent of their lifetime earnings. But the numbers aren’t uniform across the country;...

DeSantis Seizes National Stage with Opposition to Lockdowns & Mask Mandates

(Headline USA) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is heading into his reelection campaign next year as one of the most prominent Republican governors and an early White House front-runner in 2024 among Donald Trump's acolytes, if the former president doesn't run again. As DeSantis' national stature has risen, he has remained...

Conservatives Challenge Census Technique That May Overcount Democrats

(Headline USA) When U.S. Census Bureau workers couldn't find out any information about some households after repeatedly mailing them questionnaire reminders and sending census takers to knock on their doors, the statisticians turned to an obscure, last-resort statistical technique known as "imputation." Less than 1% of households were counted using...
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