Sunday, June 16, 2024


Joe Rogan Rips Tyrant Trudeau on Guns for Self-Defense

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Wildly popular podcaster Joe Rogan recently roasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for saying that Canadians can't use guns for defending themselves. On the June 14 episode of his The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, during an interview with his guest Colion Noir, a gun-rights activist,...

Leftist Media’s The New Yorker Accidentally Praises DeSantis

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) One of the elitist Left's main media organs, The New Yorker, published a hit piece on Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis where they accidentally praised him. In his latest New Yorker article that was published on June 20, Dexter Filkins tried his best to criticize DeSantis,...

Is Army Rushing to Repaint Tanks in Colors Matching Taiwanese Landscape?

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) A recent order to quickly repaint tanks from a desert-camo design to a green color more fitting of a lush landscape has surprised soldiers and military personnel, reported Townhall. It wouldn't normally be cause for concern since the Biden administration has deprioritized the Middle East. However, the...

World Athletics Considering Its Own Ban on Transgender Athletes

(Headline USA) World Athletics is considering introducing its own restrictions on transgender participation in women’s sports after FINA, swimming’s governing body, voted to ban transgender athletes who transitioned after puberty from competing in elite women’s events. Sebastian Coe, the president of World Athletics, said his governing body, which dictates the rules...

Harris Teeter, Kroger Remove Patriotic Products after Leftist Complained

(Headline USA) Grocery chains Harris Teeter and Kroger are facing backlash after they recalled several patriotic products following a complaint from a leftist who claimed the products inspired “mass shootings.” The products in question had pro-America messages written on them, including “Give me liberty or give me death,” and “America, love...

Did Adam Kinzinger Fake Death-Threat Letter to Family?

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) With the J6 Inquisition primetime ratings plummeting, Tribunal TV cast member Rep. Adam Kinzinger, RINO-Ill., recently claimed that he and his family received death threats due to his role in attacking former President Donald Trump, the Business and Politics Review reported. But some on the Right speculated...

Ashley Biden Bails Out Dad after Tough Question on Economy

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, had to step in and cover for her father after he snapped at a reporter who asked him a tough question about the economy. While on vacation in Delaware on Monday, Biden was asked about the economic experts “saying a recession is more...

Colbert Insists J16 Insurrectionists Were ‘Just Doing Their Job’

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Alleged comedian Stephen Colbert said his staff who illegally entered the Capital Building and caused a disruption were just taking orders. On June 16, seven individuals “affiliated with the television program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” were arrested  by the U.S. Capitol Police for illegally entering...

U.S. Army, Navy Indoctrinating Soldiers w/ CRT, Gender Ideology

(Headline USA) The U.S. Army is teaching critical race theory to West Point cadets, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch. The woke lessons on “anti-racism” ask cadets about “whiteness,” which is “a location of structural advantage, of race privilege,” and “a standpoint or place from which white people look at...

Supreme Court Delays Roe Decision as Leftist Activists Ramp Up Threats

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) The Supreme Court on Tuesday once again delayed its Roe v. Wade decision, as threats continue to mount from far-left groups. SCOTUS has finalized several other decisions, but none that were as highly anticipated as the one regarding the 1973 law that legalized abortion. The court has...

Disney Stock Has Tumbled Nearly 50% Amid Woke Backlash

(Pamela Cosel, Headline USA)  It’s hitting Disney in the company’s pocketbook these days, the overall aversion to their “woke” agenda in new movies. This year, the value of Disney’s stock is inching toward a loss of 50% as parents and families seek other means of entertainment in light of the...

Leftist AP Moves Goalpost as J6 Show-Trial Bombs w/ Public

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The heart of the mainstream media, the leftist Associated Press, shifted the goal posts for what should be considered a success after the widely-panned J6 Tribunal TV production bombed, even with nearly universal prime-time coverage. The AP spilled much digital ink hyping the J6 hearings, with one headline...
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