Monday, June 17, 2024


Battle Between Left & Far-Left Looms in Mayoral Race to Lead Sh**hole Seattle

(Headline USA) Voters in Seattle’s mayoral primary on Tuesday set up a choice between candidates representing activist-left residents and slightly less strident progressives, in one of the nation’s most liberal cities. Bruce Harrell, a former City Council member who has called for hiring more police officers to stem a rise in...

Obama Curtails 60th Birthday Bash after COVID Hypocrisy

(Headline USA) The party for the nation's 44th president will go on, but only for family and close friends. Former president Barack Obama has scaled back his 60th birthday bash set for this weekend at his opulent Martha's Vineyard home off the Massachusetts coast after a public backlash on social media...

Missouri Governor Pardons McCloskeys

(Headline USA) Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced Tuesday that he made good on his promise to pardon a couple who gained notoriety for pointing guns at leftist, marauding trespassers as they marched past the couple's home in a gated St. Louis neighborhood last year. Parson, a Republican, on Friday pardoned Mark...

Trump-Backed Coal Lobbyist Wins Ohio Primary; AOC’s Candidate Loses

(Associated Press) Mike Carey, a coal lobbyist backed by former President Donald Trump, beat a bevy of Republicans in central Ohio, while Cuyahoga County Council member Shontel Brown pulled out a victory for the Democratic establishment in Cleveland, in a pair of primary elections for open House seats Tuesday. The special...

DeSantis Decries Media Alarmism; Declines to Impose Mask Mandate Over ‘Cases’

(Headline USA) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis doubled down Tuesday as the state again allegedly broke its record for COVID-19 hospitalizations, insisting that the spike will soon abate and that he will not impose any business restrictions or mask mandates. DeSantis said he expects hospitalizations to drop in the next couple weeks,...

Children Stopped at Border Likely Hit Record-High in July

(Associated Press) The number of children traveling alone who were picked up at the Mexican border by U.S. immigration authorities likely hit an all-time high in July, and the number of people who came in families likely reached its second-highest total on record, a U.S. official said Monday, citing preliminary...

I’M BACK! Ex-Con Blagojevich Sues for Right to Run Again

(Associated Press) Ex-con and former Gov. Rod Blagojevich sued his home state Monday for booting him from the governor’s seat after his 2008 arrest for corruption and stripping him of his right to run for elective office in Illinois. Before filing the lawsuit, an unapologetic Blagojevich addressed reporters outside the same...

LAWSUIT: Newsom Can’t Tie Recall Election to Republican Efforts

(Associated Press) Top supporters of the recall against California Gov. Gavin Newsom want to block him from branding the contest as a Republican effort in the official election guide that will be sent to voters ahead of the Sept. 14 contest. His contention that the effort is led by Republicans seeking...

Dems Ramp Up Lockdown Talk Anew, Despite ‘Herd Immunity’ Benchmark

(Headline USA) The U.S. on Monday finally reached President Joe Biden’s goal of getting at least one COVID-19 shot into 70% of American adults---a month late and amid a fierce surge by the delta variant that is leading to new mask rules and mandatory vaccinations around the country. The White...

Illinois Gov. Pritzker Signs Law Banning ICE Detainer Agreements

Illinois will effectively end immigrant detention and further restrict local law enforcement's ability to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under a plan Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law Monday. The new law targets local government agreements with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement allowing jails to house immigrant detainees awaiting court...

US Braces for Flood of Afghani Refugees as Biden Expands Eligibility

The Biden administration on Monday expanded its efforts to assist at-risk Afghan citizens fleeing Taliban violence as fighting intensifies ahead of the U.S. military pullout at the end of the month. The State Department said it is widening the scope of Afghans eligible for refugee status in United States to...

Sen. Lindsey Graham Has COVID. Is Joe Manchin’s Houseboat Party to Blame?

(Headline USA) Just two weeks after Texas Democrats fleeing their legislative duties triggered a super-spreader event that led to cases of the deadly coronavirus in the White House and on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's staff, it has now reached a top Republican in the Senate. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, has...
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