Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Wisc. Republicans Don’t Have Votes to Override Gov.’s Vetoes of Election Integrity Bills

(Headline USA) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers vetoed a series of bills Tuesday passed by the state's Republican-controlled Legislature that would have strengthened the integrity of absentee ballots in the key battleground state. The Democrat also said two Wisconsin counties should not comply with subpoenas to turn over ballots and voting equipment...

Death Toll Ticks Up from CDC’s Rent Moratorium

(Headline USA) Ostensibly intended to save lives, the Biden administration's controversial and illegal extension of a pandemic rent/eviction moratorium has now started to rack up its own morbid body count. A landlord argued with his live-in tenants over unpaid rent before opening fire with a handgun in a small house...

Reagan-Appointed Judge Overturns Several of Indiana’s Pro-Life Laws

(Headline USA) A federal judge ruled Tuesday that several of Indiana’s laws restricting abortion are unconstitutional, including the state’s ban on telemedicine consultations between doctors and women seeking abortions. However, the judge’s ruling also upheld other state abortion limits that were challenged in a broad lawsuit filed by Virginia-based Whole...

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Resigns Over Sexual Harassment

(Headline USA) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over a barrage of sexual harassment allegations Tuesday in a fall from grace a year after he was hailed nationally by a sycophantic media, for his detailed daily briefings and leadership during the darkest days of COVID-19. The three-term governor’s decision was announced...

Dominion Sues Newsmax, OAN Over Voting Fraud Claims

(Headline USA) Vote-counting machine maker Dominion Voting Systems filed defamation lawsuits Tuesday against conservative broadcasters and a prominent Donald Trump ally over their accurate reporting that the 2020 election was marred by fraud. The suits single out Newsmax, One America News, their executives and the former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne. The lawsuits...

Appeals Court Reverses DC Judge; Lets Jan. 6th Participant Out on Bond

(Headline USA) A West Virginia man charged in the assault of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died after defending the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, can be released on bond while he awaits trial, a federal appeals court ruled. The district court erred in assessing the danger posed by George...

Wyo. Republicans Vote to NOT Recognize Liz Cheney as Party Member Any More

(Headline USA) Some local Republican Party officials in Wyoming have announced they will no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member because of her vote to impeach Donald Trump. “In the immortal words of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump ...'You’re Fired!'” read recent...

Bipartisan Senate Makes Down Payment on Green New Deal, Passes $1T ‘Infrastructure’ Bill

(Headline USA) With a robust vote after weeks of fits and starts, the Senate approved a $1 trillion infrastructure plan on Tuesday, a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans joining to deliver the appearance of bipartisan support for adding billions of dollars more to the federal deficit, while providing cover for...

More Texas Democrats Return, but Not Enough to End Holdout

(Headline USA) A monthlong standoff by Texas Democrats who left the state to block a GOP voting bill inched closer to ending Monday as several holdouts returned and put Republicans on the brink of having enough lawmakers to push forward once again with an election accountability overhaul. The Texas House of...

Epstein Accuser Sues Prince Andrew, Citing Sex Assault at 17

(Headline USA) One of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime accusers sued Prince Andrew on Monday, taking accusations that she has repeatedly publicly lodged against him, including that he sexually assaulted her when she was 17, to a formal venue. Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre filed the lawsuit in Manhattan federal court, where Epstein was...

Leader of ‘Time’s Up’ Movement Resigns for Helping Cuomo Smear Victim

(Headline USA) The leader of Time's Up, the #MeToo-era organization founded by Hollywood women to fight sexual harassment, resigned under fire Monday for advising Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration behind the scenes in its effort to discredit one of Cuomo's accusers. Time's Up said in a tweet that it agreed...

Kavanaugh’s Wishy-Washy Opinion Leaves Judge Confused on Evictions Moratorium

(Headline USA) A federal judge who declared the earlier nationwide moratorium on evictions illegal was deeply skeptical Monday of the Biden administration's new order, but said she may lack the power to do anything about it. U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich promised a decision soon in an effort by Alabama landlords...
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