Friday, September 20, 2024


Luján’s Return from Stroke Puts Senate Dems Back in Majority

(Headline USA) Sen. Ben Ray Luján, D-NM, returned to Congress on Thursday for the first time since he had a stroke, which kept him away from Washington for weeks and temporarily weakened Democrat's hold on power in the equally divided Senate. Luján received a standing ovation as he entered a...

Wisc. Supreme Court Defies Legislature to Approve Leftist Gov.’s District Maps

(Headline USA) A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday adopted “least change” legislative and congressional redistricting maps submitted by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, a plan that largely preserves the current district lines that give Republicans majorities. That means that Republicans are highly likely to remain in the majority as they...

36K Unvetted Afghans Could Gain Legal Status Under ‘Afghan Adjustment Act’

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Open-borders activists are pushing for an Afghan Adjustment Act that would grant at least 36,000 Afghan citizens permanent legal status and a pathway to citizenship. When the United States military chaotically evacuated Afghanistan last year, it brought about 80,000 Afghan refugees into America, with about 60...

More Than 800 Marines Have Been Discharged Over Vax Mandate

(Headline USA) More than 800 Marines have been discharged from service because of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The military branch announced on Thursday that 96% of its active-duty service members have complied with the mandate, but 873 members refused. There are still 5,400 other Marines who are also unvaccinated,...

Book-Promoting Traitor Bill Barr Reveals His Reasons for Resigning

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) William Barr, who left the Trump administration as Attorney General on Dec. 23, 2020, has been making the media rounds to promote a new memoir in which he reveals his reasons for resigning. WATCH: Former Attorney General Bill Barr describes the moment former President Trump accepted his...

REPORT: Soros-Linked Operative Controlled Green Bay’s Election Using Secret Hotel Wi-Fi

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) A George Soros-linked and Mark Zuckerberg-funded operative controlled the 2020 election in Green Bay using a secret Wi-Fi connection at a Wisconsin hotel, according to Emerald Robinson. Robinson analyzed the Wisconsin Special Counsel Mike Gableman's recently-released investigative report on the Wisconsin Elections System and discovered that the...

Psaki Whines about GOP Border Criticism: ‘We’re a Little Tired’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki aired her grievances on Republican criticism of the border crisis in a press conference, trying to take up the case that President Joe Biden's policies haven't created total chaos with a flood of illegal immigration and smuggled drugs. .@DailyCaller's @ShelbyTalcott: "We know...

Trump Responds to J6 Inquisition’s Bogus ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ Claims

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump responded to the fraudulent J6 Committee's bogus claims about an alleged "criminal conspiracy," according to a press release from his office. Trump suggested that the J6 Committee's actual job is to hide the fact that the election was stolen and that the...

IRS Scrambles to Hire 10,000 More Employees as Backlogs Remain

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Four anonymous sources claimed that in the coming months the Internal Revenue Service plans to hire 10,000 more tax collectors to fill positions that have sat vacant for years. The increased hiring will help eliminate a multi-year backlog, according to the Washington Post. The IRS has...

Russia, China and US Forge Cooperative Alliance in Iran Nuke Negotiations

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Biden administration plans to go forward with an Iranian nuclear deal that Moscow and Beijing negotiated. Mikhail Ulyanov, a Russian ambassador who spearheaded the Iranian nuclear talks, said on Feb. 3 that Russia would announce the details of the deal...

Pelosi Again Stomping on Free Speech, Tells GOP Women to ‘Just Shut Up’

(Headline USA) For somebody who is Speaker of the House, leftist Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., sure spends a lot of time telling other people to stop speaking. First it was American athletes at the Olympics, who Pelosi told to shut up. Now it's other politicians who Pelosi wants to strip of...

Leftist MSNBC Host Presses Buttigieg to Reopen Keystone Pipeline

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle challenged Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg over rising gas prices on her show, "The 11th Hour." Ruhle had Buttigieg on the show for an interview about gas prices and other transportation-related topics. The segment opened with a clip of a reporter asking President Joe Biden...
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