'The people of North Carolina deserve nothing less than the full confidence and trust in the electoral system....'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After three and a half harrowing days of testimony during what was supposed to be a one-day evidentiary hearing before the North Carolina State Board of Elections, battered...
'That'll be totally up to the new attorney general...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) For once, President Donald Trump may be hoping that CNN is not reporting #FakeNews.
The Drudge Report cited the leftist cable network---home to frequent nemeses Jim Acosta, Don Lemon and Brian Stelter---in its banner headline Wednesday declaring that...
'We don’t open investigations because we like someone or don’t like them...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) On “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Tuesday, the obscenely partisan host began with a blatant falsehood about his guest, disgraced FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe---and from their it only got worse.
Colbert introduced McCabe...
'The left is composed of clueless naïfs whose rosy-eyed optimism about human nature---and obliviousness to various dangers---will only lead to trouble...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As primary challenges against President Donald Trump begin to emerge, it may be difficult sometimes telling a true conservative from a RINO.
However, science has a...
'What will we tell them that we did in regard to standing up for white supremacy?'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam desperately clings to his seat of power despite evidence of a racist past, his allies on the Left have now taken a bifurcated approach in...
'I guess that means our colleagues from California are going to be riding their bicycles back home to their constituents...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Even though House Democrats now set the agenda, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., showed that she was still the one in charge during a hearing earlier this...
TRUMP RESPONSE: Why don't you allow revenue-generating fracking in your state?
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose tax-and-spend vision for the Empire State recently was felled by a $2.3 billion budget shortfall, begged President Donald Trump to revoke a $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT)...
'The Democratic Party has made it clear we will not tolerate racism ... They just have to do it in a smart way that respects voters’ wishes that Democrats be in charge...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) During the 1950s, the tactic that Democrats in Virginia used to try to defeat...
'The most dangerous place in Washington is between Rep. Mark Meadows and a media camera...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Considered to be among President Donald Trump's closest allies in Congress, the House Freedom Caucus took fire Tuesday from a former congressman who touted himself as Trump supporter but was unseated...
'I don’t know what he really cares about, other than holding on to his job...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who lost her re-election bid last November, blamed the cold-hearted, partisan strategizing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for costing her the race.
"He sees his...
'That's the end of the rule of law...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After forcing North Carolina to redraw its legislative maps two years ago, an activist group that has repeatedly sued to flip the state Democratic is again asking the courts to intervene because it was unhappy with the results.
But the...
'It’s going to take a big national event to move things. I mean, we’re at a standstill....'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Call it a Tale of Two Shutdowns. At 28 days, both President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remain firmly entrenched in their positions over the $5 billion...