'Somebody cooked up this plot. Somebody gave an order. Somebody did the dirty work. ... And the American taxpayer has footed the bill...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Acting Director of National Security Richard Grenell's release of a long awaited list of Obama administration officials who were allowed to unmask intelligence reports...
'McConnell has warned Democrats that he will not approve any 'wish list' items...'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) House Democrats included a provision in their latest $3 trillion coronavirus relief proposal that would restrict President Trump’s authority and prevent him from removing inspectors general without notifying Congress.
The proposal, which was unveiled...
'It’s all part of a plan to somehow make those institutions weaker...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The former Obama campaign-bundler who, as U.S. attorney general, brought unprecedented partisanship and corruption to the Justice Department, attacked his most recent successor, current Attorney General William Barr, for cleaning up the mess.
Former Attorney...
'this is a Democrat grab bag special-interest giveaway to their base supporters...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is proposing an unprecedented $3 trillion rescue package that purports to shore-up the economy amid Wuhan virus-induced mass unemployment and government-mandated business closures.
But critics are warning the public not to take...
'Whatever Biden had to say in Kyiv, he knew he did not want it overheard by the many bureaucratic busybodies...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The dual scandals involving Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's corrupt family business affairs and the deep-state plot to smear President Donald Trump with claims of Russian...
'I don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision...'
(Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Tuesday criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci's "one-size-fits-all" approach to the Wuhan virus, saying his opinions should not be the "end-all."
At a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing...
'He should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Amid growing evidence that former President Barack Obama approved a partisan FBI conspiracy to smear President Donald Trump and his advisors, current Democratic candidate Joe Biden, claimed to "know nothing"...
'Behind closed doors, they weren't as tough as what they were out on the cable news networks, where they were getting paid to pontificate...'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said the FBI’s original interview summary with former national security...
'EIPCa's purpose is to provide this information so you can confirm its findings, prevent ineligible ballots from being counted and record ineligible ballots that were counted...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Even after the state of California had earlier concerns over vote-by-mail fraud flagged during its recent Democratic primary, the state...
'It is certainly our hope that effort not only continues, but accelerates...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) The Democratic National Committee has been more than happy to take millions from failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, but in taking his money the DNC has also taken on his problems---and it’s causing general...
'Such efforts will increase economic hardship for all our citizens and benefit foreign sources of fossil fuels, including America’s adversaries...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Large, Democratic-friendly financial institutions have increasingly taken aim at politically motivated targets like the fossil fuel industry and its workers.
Their efforts are compounding the Wuhan coronavirus...
'Until we have ... enough widespread immunity that new cases fail to materialize, the option of returning to normalcy does not exist...'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Illinois churches will not be allowed to hold services with more than 50 people until a vaccine or some other kind of highly efficient...