Sunday, September 22, 2024


Coronavirus Likely to Boost Bernie’s Poll Prospects in Dem Primaries

'While Joe Biden cont to do very well with older Americans, especially those over 65, our campaign continues to win the vast majority of the votes of younger people...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Public alarm over the potential spread of the coronavirus could breathe new life into Sen. Bernie Sanders's...

PELOSI: Trump Re-Election is a Threat to ‘Civilization As We Know It’

'Our country is a great country. It can withstand one term of the current occupant of the White House. It cannot withstand two...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed President Donald Trump’s reelection threatens “civilization as we know it.” “This election is a very important election,” she told...

Andrew Cuomo Incoherent on Coronavirus Messaging

'Let's keep it all in focus, because the anxiety and the fear are not connected to the facts and the reality of this situation....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Just one week after crediting the Trump administration for its timely response to the coronavirus, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo argued the...

Hypocrite Holder Was FOR Va. Gerrymandering Reform Before He Was AGAINST It

'Their goal is to sneak in partisan advantage for Democrats while pretending to support nonpartisan goals...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former Attorney General Eric Holder exposed his own hypocrisy by opposing a recent decision in Virginia to reform partisan gerrymandering. Holder, who assumed leadership of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee after...

AOC Crushed by Bernie’s Primary Losses; ‘Tough Night’

'To his credit, and I wish we could do better, is doing very, very well ...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Reacting to Joe Biden’s primary wins on Tuesday night, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blamed Bernie Sanders’s string of losses on the “generational divide in the Democratic Party,” especially when it...

As FISA Renewal Deadline Looms, Trump Allies Seem Unlikely to Budge

'If the government can misuse this system to spy on a presidential campaign, they can surely do it to any other American citizen...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump's congressional allies continued to reject the notion of renewing parts of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without meaningful changes to...

Leftists Admit Bernie Never TRULY Viable, but Will Continue to Drive Dem. Party to Fringes

'There is a malaise that has spread across this country ... and people can’t take one more day of this...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Socialist-leaning radicals seemed to acknowledge, following Sen. Bernie Sanders's defeat in Michigan and several other primaries, that his candidacy within the Democratic establishment was never a serious...

CUOMO: NY Will Combat Coronavirus Price-Gouging w/ Prison-Made Hand-Sanitizer

'If you continue the price-gouging, we will introduce our product, which is superior to your product---and you don't even have the floral bouquet...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Appearing to blur the lines between comedy and reality, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo held a press conference Tuesday to announce his plan...

Trump Campaign Calls Out Twitter’s Double-Standard on ‘Manipulated’ Biden Video

'Understandably, the Biden campaign has a strategic interest in intimidating social media companies into suppressing true and embarrassing video evidence...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The Trump campaign clapped back after left-leaning Twitter selectively labeled a video highlighting Democratic front-runner Joe Biden's many gaffes as "manipulated media." I agree with Joe! https://t.co/h84mD7jVPW —...

The Only Presidential Candidate Who Refused to Disclose Finances WASN’T Trump

'I do think that there is a precedent that unfortunately could be starting to set in, which really started with President Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Billionaire media mogul Michael Bloomberg took criticism from both sides of the aisle for trying to buy the presidential election. That backfired spectacularly on Super...

DEBUNKED: Booker Claims Biden Will ‘Restore Honor,’ Ignores Conflicting Record

'You run the risk of deciding whether or not you're going to prostitute yourself to give the answer you know they want to hear ...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ, former presidential rival to current primary front-runner Joe Biden, became the latest to circle the wagons around...

Former DNC Chair Howard Dean Suggests Elise Stefanik Deserves to Be Called a ‘Fascist Pig’

'There is no excuse for the note writer or for you...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean suggested Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., deserved a note calling her a “fascist pig.” I don’t condone this, but “as ye sow, so shall ye reap”. There is no excuse for the...
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