Thursday, September 19, 2024


GOP-Backed Bill Would Hold Cities, States Liable for Allowing CHAZ-Like Anarchy Zones

A new bill would allow victims in so-called Black Lives Matter-inspired “autonomous zones” to sue cities and states for failing to protect them.

Democratic Houston Mayor Cancels Texas GOP Convention Due to COVID

Democratic Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner shut down the Texas GOP’s state convention next week, citing concerns about the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the state. Turner, however, had no problem attending a massive Black Lives Matter protest in the city just a few weeks ago.

Ilhan Omar Has Paid Her Husband Nearly $900,000 For Consulting Services

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has paid her new husband’s consulting firm nearly $900,000 since 2018, according to records obtained by the New York Post.

After SCOTUS Ruling, Biden Vows to Undo Religious Exemption for Contraception

After the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday in favor of faith-based organizations' right to claim religious exemptions for contraceptives, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said that he would undo the exemption and force religious Americans to go back to court.

Election Expert: Trump’s Chance of Winning at 91%, Despite Worthless Opinion Polls

The leftist media's brazen and cynical attempt to manufacture crises that will take down President Donald Trump in November have a good chance of backfiring, according to a professor at Long Island's Stony Brook University who accurately predicted the 2016 outcome.

Judicial Watch, Daily Caller Sue Univ. of Delaware for Biden’s Secret Records

The conservative legal bulldog Judicial Watch is suing the University of Delaware for former Vice President Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate records.

DA Prosecuting Albuquerque Patriot Linked to Soros Funding

When it comes to blue parts of the country supporting lawlessness and anarchy, one need only dust the surface to find the fingerprints of globalist, anti-American mega-billionaire George Soros.

Leftists Warn Biden Not to Compromise w/ GOP

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has promised voters that he’ll hold the “center” if elected---meaning, he’ll work with Republicans if and when it’s necessary. Leftists, however, are warning Biden that they’ll abandon him should he choose to compromise.

Trump Defends Criticism of NASCAR, Bubba Wallace

President Donald Trump defended his criticism of NASCAR for banning the Confederate flag at future races, describing the flag as an expression of the “freedom of speech.”

Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Co-Owner of Atlanta Dream, Tells WNBA to Stand for the Flag

Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., is standing up to the “woke” Women’s Basketball Association---by standing up for the American flag.

POMPEO: Trump Admin Weighs Ban on Chinese App TikTok Due to Espionage Concerns

The Trump administration is “certainly looking at” banning TikTok, a popular social media app controlled by China, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Trump Withdraws from WHO after House Dems Seek to Reverse Defunding Order

House Democrats introduced a spending bill this week that would reverse President Donald Trump’s decision to defund the World Health Organization.
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