Friday, May 31, 2024


Elitist DC Attorneys Fight Dems’ Political Battles for Free to Boost Prestige

'The popularity of the lawsuits ... appear to be perceived as a boon for various firms’ reputations...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the primary plans of attack for Democrats in the Trump era has been legislation by lawsuit. No matter the cause, from immigration to school lunches and everything in...

AOC Taunts Right in Latest Push to Abolish Electoral College ‘Scam’

'If the GOP were the “silent majority” they claim, they wouldn’t be so scared of a popular vote...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After claiming last week that the U.S. Constitution was a scam, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-NY, raised the stakes by saying her Republican detractors were too chicken to abolish...

ICE-Defying NC Sheriff Blames Opponents, Changes Subject

'We are so focused on immigration, we have neglected our community...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Garry McFadden, the sheriff of North Carolina's Charlotte and the surrounding Mecklenburg County, built his career as a homicide detective and even cashed in with a reality television series. But now, the controversial lawman is playing...

Infighting RINOs Shut Down Their Caucus After Big 2018 Losses

'It just all smelled really bad...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With the veering of the Democratic left wing toward a socialist platform, many have fretted over the vulnerability of battleground Democrats who managed to flip historically conservative districts. Meanwhile, center-leaning Republicans also have struggled with their own identity crisis in the...

Which Dem Is Bilking the Most Billionaires? Not Biden, Sanders or Warren…

Despite renouncing big-money donations, Elizabeth Warren had racked up at least three billionaire donors by mid-July... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Most Democratic primary polls show former Vice President Joe Biden maintaining a solid lead, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., continuing to gain momentum among the party's radical fringes. But one revealing metric...

Dem in Key Race, Who Denounced ‘Dark Money,’ Wants Super-PAC Help

'Dark money and corporate money have no place in our democracy...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With voting already underway in the special election for North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, Democrat Dan McCready has gone silent. Unfortunately for his Republican opponent, state Sen. Dan Bishop, that doesn't mean McCready has disappeared. Rather, McCready's...

Liberal Mag Mourns That Bill Clinton Has Been Rendered Useless for 2020 Dems

'It is a perverse reality that Trump is given a ho-hum pass by the public for repeated allegations ... that would have convulsed the country in Clinton’s day...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A defense of former President Bill Clinton published online Monday by The Atlantic underscored the disingenuousness of the...

Pa. Gov. Blames ‘White Supremacists’ for Black Drug-Dealer’s Attack on Cops

'We have to do something, something to address the pain and the carnage that far too many of our citizens are dealing with...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday became the latest state executive to invoke the Rahm Emanuel Rule: "You never want a serious...

Lutherans Declare Themselves a ‘Sanctuary Denomination’

'Sanctuary is a broad term that is applied to a variety of practices, most of which are legal...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Federal immigration authorities have long struggled with policies that prevent them from arresting illegal immigrants who take up residence in churches sympathetic to their cause. That dilemma may pose...

FLAKE: Republican Party ‘Doomed Long-Term’ if Trump is Re-Elected

'I would like to vote for a responsible Democrat...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Rejected by Republicans in his own state, former Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona said in an interview this week projecting doom and gloom if President Donald Trump is re-elected. Trump's rise to power, he told Deseret News, signified...

De Blasio Open to Hiring Son as W.H. Adviser if Elected

'I don’t think there could be two more different people than the current president’s daughter and my son Dante...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) While many on the Left sought to criticize President Donald Trump's inclusion of his own daughter and son-in-law as official White House advisers, casting aspersions on their...

USA Basketball Coach Claims Kaepernick the TRUE Patriot for His ‘Sacrifice’

'The show of patriotism I think is a bit inappropriate and that is not something that I think we want to emulate...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) When former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick prominently claimed in a Nike ad last year that he was "sacrificing everything" to protest the national anthem,...
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