Friday, September 20, 2024


Stacey Abrams to Campaign for McAuliffe in Va. Gov. Race

Terry McAuliffe, the former governor of Virginia and current Democratic candidate for the same office, is enlisting Stacey Abrams to help him campaign during the final weeks of what appears to be a narrowing race. Abrams rose to prominence after she refused to concede upon losing the 2018 gubernatorial race. ...

MAYORKAS: Open Border Caused by Lack of Humanitarian Aid

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas suggested that the immigration crisis has been caused by a lack of international aid, Fox News reported. In a recent interview with Yahoo News Mayorkas was pressed on what he thought might be the root causes for border crossings having reached 20-year-high under the Biden...

PELOSI: I Think ‘A Lot’ About What I Would Do If I ‘Ruled the World’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., quipped this week that she thinks “a lot” about what she might do if she “ruled the world.” Speaking at the 67th annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, where she accepted the Women for Peace and Security Award, on Monday, Pelosi said she often...

GREAT RESET: Psaki Admits Using COVID for ‘Fundamental Change’ to Economy

In a press briefing Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed that President Joe Biden believes "we can still do something historic that will fundamentally change the economy for the American people." She was responding to a question about the Democrats' $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill still being debated...

Biden Wasting $100M in Taxpayer-Funded Border Materials

More than $100 million in taxpayer-funded border wall materials have been discarded after President Joe Biden shut down construction of the wall when he first took office. NEW: Our drone is now over a second location in RGV where massive piles of steel meant for the border wall have been...

Biden’s Denial of Executive Privilege in 1/6 Revolt Sets Risky Precedent

(Headline USA) The Biden administration this week broke ages of longstanding presidential tradition on executive privilege in the interest of waging a partisan strike to undermine former President Donald Trump. It comes amid plummeting poll numbers for Democrats and a growing likelihood that Trump may run again in 2024. Even before...

Wisc. Court Orders GOP Lawmakers to Hand Over Records of Election Probe

A Wisconsin court ordered state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to disclose records related to his promised investigation into the 2020 presidential election this week. Vos launched the investigation earlier this summer, signing subpoenas to compel testimony from top election clerks and mayors in Wisconsin’s largest cities. But in a reversal...

Kamala Lampooned over Phony NASA Video Using PAID Child Actors

As the Biden administration seems to be hemorrhaging support, even amongst members of its own party, Vice President Kamala Harris is again drawing fire for behavior that seems inauthentic. At issue is a creepy NASA video where Harris appears with child actors who were paid to look interested in what...

Fulton County Election Workers Fired for Shredding Voter Applications

(Headline USA) Additional evidence of perpetuating voter fraud in Georgia has led to the firing of two workers accused of shredding paper voter registration applications in the heavily Democrat majority Fulton County, according to a statement released by officials. Preliminary information indicates that the employees checked out batches of applications...

Border ‘Wide Open’ Again After Out-of-State Troops Leave Texas

The southern border is once again unmanned after the National Guard soldiers and state police sent by multiple governors to assist with the border crisis withdrew this past week. Earlier this summer, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott requested aid from several states as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants flooded the...

Tightening Polls Give GOP Hopes of a Youngkin Upset in Deep Blue Va.

(Coleman Hopkins, Headline USA) The Biden administration may soon face its first test over how much political damage a recent series of policy disasters has inflicted, with Republicans cautiously optimistic to retake the Virginia governorship and state legislature next month. A recent survey by the Wason Center for Civic Leadership...

Democrats Still Scheming to Increase Spending for Radical Agenda

(Headline USA) A whisker-thin Democrat majority in Congress is gearing up its attempt to ram through a partisan spending spree to pay for a radical legislative agenda beholden to the far Left. There’s little doubt that Congress will again extend the government’s prolific spending when its borrowing authority expires in...
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