Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kamala’s New Spox Called Bush 43 an ‘Illegitimate’ President Who ‘Stole’ Election

Vice President Kamala Harris’s new communications director, Jamal Simmons, dismissed former President George W. Bush as an “illegitimate” president repeatedly and spread conspiracy theories about his 2000 election victory. Simmons insisted that Bush stole the 2000 election from Democrat candidate Al Gore, saying in June 2012: “I worked for Gore...

Afghan Refugee Allegedly Committed ‘Unlawful’ Act w/ Child at Marines Base

The Defense Department Inspector General reported a "major criminal security incident" at Marine Corps Base Quantico when an Afghan refugee engaged in "what appeared to be an unlawful act with a child," Military.com reported. The military base transferred the Afghan suspect to the FBI's custody. President Joe Biden imported more than...

Biden’s Woke Education Secretary Solicited Letter Asking DOJ to Label Parents as Terrorists

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona asked the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to write its infamous and since-withdrawn letter to President Biden comparing concerned parents to domestic terrorists, according to Fox News. The truth emerges - the Biden Administration ASKED FOR the infamous letter calling parents domestic terrorists, and then used...

Biden Vaccine Mandate Delivers Blow to Business, Economy as SCOTUS Continues Review

The Biden vaccine mandate for large companies went into effect this week, despite ongoing litigation at the U.S. Supreme Court, leaving many large employers confused as to what they are supposed to do. “As of Jan. 10, businesses with 100 or more employees were required to ensure that all employees...

RINO Md. Gov. Larry Hogan Being Recruited to Run for Senate

(Headline USA) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other top Republicans are stepping up a personal campaign to persuade Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to run for the Senate and help the party's chances of regaining control of the chamber. The recruitment effort has included McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, who held...

Top Democrat Finally Acknowledges Problem of Leftist Violence

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., changed his attitude toward left-wing political violence at a hearing about the January 6th Capitol insurrection hoax. He acknowledged on Jan. 11 that the far-left has a problem with political violence and that Antifa and Black Lives Matter have committed crimes. Durbin at terror hearing: "Violent extremism...

Union Heavies Put Squeeze on Illinois Firefighters Trying to Escape SEIU Clutches

The National Right to Work Foundation (NRWF) is defending a firefighter after he submitted enough signatures to decertify his union, local 73 of the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) in Carpentersville, Illinois. Firefighter Nick Salzmann submitted a decertification petition to the Illinois Labor Relations Board (ILRB) seeking an employee vote...

Cruz’s Judiciary Showdown w/ FBI Hints at Method in Prior Madness

When Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, referred to the events of Jan. 6 last week as a "violent terrorist attack," he was widely excoriated by members of his own party, some of whom declared a premature end to his political career. Cruz was notably chastised by Fox News host Tucker Carlson,...

Military Docs Could Prove Fauci Lied Under Oath to Congress; Ivermectin Tagged As Curative in 2020

New documents released by Project Veritas help shed light on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s role in funding bat virus research in Wuhan and undermine Dr. Anthony Fauci’s sworn testimony that he did not oversee research that contributed to the pandemic. “Military documents state that EcoHealth...

NC Rep. Madison Cawthorn Has MSNBC Running Scared

Spurred by activist lawfare henchman Marc Elias’ call to disqualify pro-freedom congressional candidates from running for office because of their involvement in the peaceful J6 protest, a group of leftists has launched an assault on democracy and free speech, targeting Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C., as their first potential scalp. The...

US Taxpayers Have Fronted $780M in Aid to Clean Up Biden’s Afghan Mess

(Headline USA) The White House has announced $308 million in additional assistance for Afghanistan as it edges toward a humanitarian crisis brought about by President Joe Biden's botched military withdrawal, which resulted in a Taliban takeover nearly five months ago. That brings U.S. humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan to more than...

Illegals Who Were Promised $450K Payouts by Biden Now Face Extortion

(Headline USA) Under the former Trump administration, immigrants who skirted the law by entering the United States while attempting to exploit an Obama era "catch and release" loophole for families faced strong deterrents---including the possibility of family separation. But the Biden administration not only has implemented open borders, it even...
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