Friday, September 20, 2024


Bidens Had Plan to Share Office w/ Chinese Spy Chief

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Hunter Biden is in trouble again for his dubious dealings with Chinese communist oligarchs after a new book reported that Biden the younger tried to share office space with a communist business partner Hunter referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China,” Patrick Ho, according...

Pelosi Using Capitol Police to SPY on Opponents, Citizens

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is ratcheting up pressure on domestic political opponents with the use of the Capitol Police to spy on members of Congress, including doing background on members of the public who meet with lawmakers. “Whatever they think that sounds like for...

SHOCK: Immigrants Sent More than $50B Home to Mexico in Biden’s First Year

(Headline USA) As the US economy faces its worst economic crisis since the Carter administration more than 40 years ago, President Joe Biden's open-borders policy has helped buoy the Mexican economy. Mexico’s remittances---the money migrants send home to their relatives---have soared in the past two years, and they are now...

US Rep. Cuellar: ‘No Wrongdoing on My Part’ After FBI Raid

(Headline USA) U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, posted a video Tuesday saying he took part in “no wrongdoing” after FBI agents last week conducted a search at the Texas Democrat's home, which was part of an investigation that relates to the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan, The Associated Press...

Massachusetts Rolls Out A $12M Red Carpet To Resettle Afghan Refugees

(Gregg Pupecki, Headline USA) According to a new law, Massachusetts taxpayers are on the hook to spend $12 million to resettle Afghan refugees from President Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. RINO Gov. Charlie Baker quietly signed into law a bill that is a wind fall for immigration and refugee nonprofit groups...

Biden Nominating 6 Lawyers for Federal Prosecutor Posts

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden is nominating six leftist lawyers to run U.S. attorney’s offices across the country, a demographically diverse group of candidates in the latest picks for the top law enforcement positions. The nominees, being announced by the White House on Wednesday, would run the federal prosecutors’ offices...

UPDATE: Elias Testified for Grand Jury in Durham’s ‘Active, Ongoing, Criminal’ Probe

UPDATE (1/26): Special Prosecutor John Durham put the Hillary Clinton campaign---including notorious lawyer Marc Elias---on notice in a recent court filing, according to multiple reports. Durham repeatedly said that he was conducting an "active, ongoing criminal investigation," despite worries that Attorney General Merrick Garland and other corrupt insiders---including the wife...

Boutique Biden Spreads Germs in Ice Cream Shop as Crisis Management

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Maybe there’s a method behind his madness, or Joe Biden really is losing touch with any semblance of reality. How else to explain the president of a world super power on the brink of multiple crises, facing record low poll numbers and record high crime and inflation,...

Ethics Office Says Reps. Newman, Lamborn May Have Broken Law

(Headline USA) A congressional ethics watchdog has concluded that U.S. Reps. Marie Newman of Illinois and Doug Lamborn of Colorado may have violated federal law, prompting reviews from the House Ethics Committee. Separate investigative reports from the Office of Congressional Ethics released Monday detailed a “substantial reason to believe” that...

Pro-Lifers Brace for High-Stakes Political Fights as SCOTUS Ruling Looms

(Headline USA) In the nearly two months since the Supreme Court indicated openness to reversing the half-century-old Roe vs. Wade decision, money has poured into the political fundraising arm of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List. The organization secured $20 million in pledged financial contributions, five times more than it...

SCOTUS Refuses to Block Pelosi’s Proxy Voting Cop-Out

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Supreme Court has dealt another disappointing blow to Republicans, this time letting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., get away with unilateral Congressional rule changes, the Washington Times reported. In the wake of the Coronavirus spread, Pelosi invented a new rule allowing congressmen to vote without being...

Biden Admin’s Delay in Creating New Cybersecurity Board Poses Serious Danger

(Headline USA) It was supposed to be a key part of President Joe Biden’s plans to fight major ransomware attacks and digital espionage campaigns: creating a board of experts that would investigate major incidents. Much like a transportation safety board does with plane crashes, the Cyber Safety Review Board would...
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