Wednesday, September 18, 2024


McConnell Shills For J6 Inquisition, Rebukes RNC Censure of Cheney, Kinzinger

(Headline USA) Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is criticizing the Republican National Committee for censuring two House GOP lawmakers who are abetting the J6 Inquisition, saying it’s not the party’s job to police the views of lawmakers. As former President Donald Trump has downplayed the protests by his supporters last year,...

BRNOVICH: Ariz. Has Right to Defend Itself Against Alien Invasion

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich released a legal opinion in which he described the circumstances at the southern border as an "invasion" that gives the state the "power to defend itself," the Washington Times reported. The opinion does not have authority unless Gov. Doug Ducey accepts it...

California Dems Force Businesses to Pay Retroactive Sick Leave for Employees w/ COVID

(Headline USA) When left-wing union activist Crystal Orozco got sick with the coronavirus last month, she missed nearly two weeks’ worth of her salary as a shift leader at a fast food restaurant and had to ask family members for a loan to help pay her rent. “My check was...

Trump-Backed Perdue Trails Kemp in Fundraising for Ga. Governor’s Race

(Headline USA) Incumbent Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is far outraising his main Republican primary challenger, former U.S. Sen. David Perdue, leaving Perdue with less than $1 million in cash on hand while Kemp had $12.7 million in his main campaign account. Along with races to oust Sen. Lisa Murkowski in...

IRS Backpedals on Facial Recognition Amid Pushback

(John Ransom, Headline USA) The IRS said that it will stop using facial recognition technology to identify taxpayers online after legislators in both parties expressed displeasure with the measure, said a statement by the tax-gathering agency. "The IRS takes taxpayer privacy and security seriously, and we understand the concerns that have...

‘Moderate’ Clintonista James Carville Comes Unhinged Over Unvaxxed

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Radical Hillary Clinton supporter James Carville raged about the unvaxxed this week, saying that he wishes to punch them for their decision to not get the experimental jab, Fox News reported. In a conversation with Al Hunt on the "Politics War Room with James Carville and Al...

Biden Admin Funnels $164M BACK to Soros for Open-Borders Advocacy

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's Department of Health and Human Services and Justice Department approved a $164 million grant to the Vera Institute, a George Soros-funded group that funds legal services for illegal aliens, Just the News reported. The federal government funneled $158 million to the Vera Institute...

Roger Stone Plans to Sue RNC for Failure to Stop 2020 Fraud

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) Former Trump campaign advisor Roger Stone plans to sue the Republican National Committee for its failure do anything about widespread allegations of election fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, according to Conservative Playlist. In an appearance on The Midnight Sentinel podcast, Stone accused the...

Romney Tried to Intervene in RNC’s Censure of Traitorous RINOs

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah., tried to pressure his niece, RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, into opposing the party's censure of Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., MediaRightNews reported. Romney said he texted McDaniel after the Republican Party approved the censure, and, though neither person...

Spending Bill Has $403M for Leaky Hawaii Fuel Tank Facility

(Headline USA) Hawaii members of Congress said Monday a spending bill that must pass to avoid a government shutdown includes $403 million to address the crisis caused by the leaking of petroleum from a Navy fuel storage tank facility into Pearl Harbor drinking water. The money incorporates $100 million to drain...

Allen West Gains Traction in Texas Gov. Race over Abbott

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) New polling data from Paradigm Partners LLC has shown that a runoff GOP primary election between Texas gubernatorial incumbent Greg Abbott and Lt. Col. Allen West is increasingly likely, according to National File. "Abbott polled at 73% last summer prior to West's entry to the race,...

Ariz. Lawmaker Introduces Bills to Decertify 2020 Election in 3 Counties

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem introduced a concurrent resolution asking that the 2020 election be set aside in Maricopa, Pima and Yuma Counties. Finchem cited “clear and convincing evidence that the elections in those counties were irredeemably compromised” according to a press release from his office. But Arizona’s...
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