'I mean, what number are we trying to get to with those odds?'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond rejected Gov. Gavin Newsom’s argument that California needs to extend its shelter-in-place order.
“We’ve unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths---six out of 3.3 million people,” he said...
'restaurant owners will be required to affirm that they...will comply with the state’s new restrictions...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Washington state will soon allow restaurants to reopen as long as they abide by a long list of new Wuhan virus safety regulations.
But whether restaurants can afford to abide them is...
'As the director of BARDA, I feel like you’re in quite a stressful position when you’re trying to manage, um---a pandemic?'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Rick Bright, former Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, was exposed during his House testimony for playing hooky---sort of---while continuing to draw...
'I don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision...'
(Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Tuesday criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci's "one-size-fits-all" approach to the Wuhan virus, saying his opinions should not be the "end-all."
At a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing...
'As a direct result of the behavior seen in the video, 21 men tested positive for COVID-19 within a week...'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A group of Los Angeles County inmates intentionally tried to infect themselves with the coronavirus in order to be released early, according to California authorities.
Surveillance video...
'We finished this year strong---maybe even stronger than ever before because of the ... challenges that this pandemic caused and never quit safely serving our students...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. was maliciously targeted for allowing students to return to the private evangelical university despite...
'Even when he contracted the virus, Dr. Li continued his efforts to communicate his experience and what he knew about it...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) A group of GOP congressional leaders introduced bicameral bills on Thursday that are sure to get the attention of the Chinese Communist Party.
While measures aimed...
'We got word @realDonaldTrump watched the entire interview...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The repeated censorship of scientists who have alleged hoaxes in the current coronavirus pandemic is casting doubt on whether virtue-signaling platforms like YouTube are committed to truth-telling or, rather, are engaged in their own left-wing cover-up.
A widely circulated...
'Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Only a few days before the declining threat of the coronavirus pandemic in North Carolina prompted Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper to ease stay-at-home orders, the head...
'They, frankly, want our situation to be unsuccessful---which means death...'
(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify before the U.S. Senate next week about the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
However, he will not go the Democratic-controlled House, which President Donald Trump called “a bunch of Trump-haters.”
Trump made...
'At the end of the day, people need to own personal responsibility and continue to do the right thing...'
(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The states are “buckling in for the long haul” even as many of them start to reopen, according to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.
Kemp, along with Iowa Gov....
'Tedros is really an outstanding person. ... He has been all over this...'
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two prominent conservative watchdogs are teaming up to expose any possible collusion between liberal coronavirus darling Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, and the United Nations-backed World...