Saturday, June 22, 2024


DHS: ‘Serious’ Threat as Chinese, Iranian Hackers Exploit Common Software Bug

(Headline USA) The Department of Homeland Security is sounding a dire alarm, ordering federal agencies to urgently eliminate a Javascript bug in an extensively used utility called Log4j. Security experts say it's one of the worst computer vulnerabilities they've ever seen. Moreover, they say state-backed Chinese and Iranian hackers and rogue...

Russia Saves World from Globalists by Vetoing UN Climate Resolution

(Headline USA) Russia on Monday vetoed a first-of-its-kind U.N. Security Council resolution casting climate change as a threat to international peace and security, a vote that sank a years-long effort to make global warming more central to decision-making in the U.N.'s most powerful body. The move left some feeling conflicted...

No Accountability in Drone Strike that Killed Afghan Aid Worker, 9 Family Members

(Headline USA) No U.S. troops involved in the August drone strike that killed innocent Kabul civilians and children will face disciplinary action, U.S. defense officials said Monday. Officials said that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has approved recommendations on the disciplinary matter from the generals who lead U.S. Central Command and...

Salvadoran President Says Biden Admin Attempting to Bankroll Communist Coups

The president of El Salvador took to Twitter over the weekend to warn US taxpayers that the US government was using their tax money to fund communist movements in El Salvador against the democratically-elected government there. US taxpayers should know that their government is using their money to fund communist...

US Commander Says Al-Qaida Re-Emerging; ‘Very Hard’ to Track after Withdrawal

(Headline USA) The al-Qaida extremist group has grown slightly inside Afghanistan since U.S. forces left in late August, and the country's new Taliban leaders are divided over whether to fulfill their 2020 pledge to break ties with the group, the top U.S. commander in the region said Thursday. Marine Gen....

Biden Shows Keen Lack of Self-Awareness at Farcical ‘Democracy’ Summit

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden looked to close his two-day virtual Summit for Democracy on Friday by grandstanding on the importance of election integrity, countering authoritarian regimes and bolstering independent media. None are issues with which Biden has had a particularly strong track record, however, leading cynics to suspect that...

Sen. Wicker: Nuke Russia And Get Boots On The Ground

Warhawk Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., gave an erratic interview on Fox News, suggesting that America should break out its nuclear arsenal to address Russia's dealings with the Ukraine. On Fox News, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) floats the idea of bombing Russian military assets -- and says he wouldn't even rule...

U.S. House Passes Anti-Communist Chinese Genocide Bill

The US House of Representatives voted 428-1 to ban all goods coming from China’s Xinjiang region to address concerns regarding slave labor practices and other repressive measures by the communist government in the majority Muslim Uyghur region of China said the Epoch Times. “The measure, which was previously passed by...

Failed Obama Foreign Policy Looms Over Biden and Putin Talks

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden is ready to warn Vladimir Putin during a video call that Russia will face economy-jarring sanctions if it invades neighboring Ukraine as the U.S. president seeks a diplomatic solution to deal with the tens of thousands of Russian troops massed near the Ukraine border. One...

Pentagon Analysts Craft ‘Scorched Earth’ Policy Against Chinese Invasion

Pentagon analysts are saying that in order to protect Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, the U.S. and Taiwan should be willing to destroy the semi-conductor industry of the island nation. “The recommendations appear in the winter issue of Parameters, a quarterly publication from the U.S. Army War College," reported Just...

Woke Defense Sec. Complains in S. Korea About China’s Hypersonic Weapons

(Headline USA) America's defense chief directed a noncommital finger-wagging at China on Thursday, vowing to confront its potential military threats in Asia and warning that its pursuit of hypersonic weapons intended to evade U.S. missile defenses “increases tensions in the region.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's tepid comments after annual security...

Hunter Biden’s Cobalt Mines at Risk as China Warns Citizens to Flee Congo

(Headline USA) While many of presidential son Hunter Biden's financial investments seem to have a way of skating past regulatory hurdles and other legal challenges that would deter even the keenest of wits---much less a crack-addicted sex fiend---at least one appears poised to go belly up. Civil unrest in regions...
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