Thursday, June 27, 2024


N. Korea May Resume Nuclear, ICBM Tests Suspended During Trump Détente

(Headline USA) Accusing the United States of hostility and threats, North Korea on Thursday said it will consider restarting “all temporally-suspended activities” it had paused during its diplomacy with the Trump administration, in an apparent threat to resume testing of nuclear explosives and long-range missiles. North Korea’s official Korean Central...

Pentagon Releases First Video of Kabul Drone Massacre That Killed 10 Civilians

(Headline USA) The Pentagon has declassified and publicly released video footage of a U.S. drone strike in Kabul that killed 10 civilians in the final hours of a chaotic American withdrawal that ended a 20-year war in Afghanistan. The man targeted in the attack was Zemari Ahmadi, who worked for...

Kamala Still Digging in Northern Triangle for ‘Root Causes’ of Border Crisis

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As she plans what her boosters in the media hope will prove a stunning and brave expedition, historically despised Vice President Kamala Harris will soon continue her search for the causes of immigration, the New York Post reported. The VP has decided to pack up and head to...

Airlines Worldwide Rush to Change Flights over America’s 5G Problem

(Headline USA) Airlines across the world, including the long-haul carrier Emirates, rushed Wednesday to cancel or change flights heading into the U.S. over an ongoing dispute about the rollout of 5G mobile phone technology near American airports. The issue appeared to particularly impact the Boeing 777, a long-range, wide-body aircraft...

Hong Kong to Kill 2,000 Animals After Hamsters Get COVID-19

(Headline USA) Hong Kong authorities said Tuesday that they will kill about 2,000 small animals, including hamsters, after several tested positive for the coronavirus at a pet store where an employee was also infected. The city will also stop the sale of hamsters and the import of small mammals, according...

Taiwan Pays $900,000 for Ally Guatemala to Lobby Washington

(Headline USA) Guatemala has hired for $900,000 a major supporter of former President Donald Trump to seek influence with U.S. officials in an unusual lobbying contract paid for by its ally Taiwan, foreign lobby records show. Ballard Partners registered as a foreign agent with the U.S. Justice Department on...

China Puts 20M Under House Arrest to Avoid Olympics COVID Spread

(Headline USA) China further tightened its anti-pandemic measures in Beijing and across the country on Friday as scattered outbreaks continued ahead of the opening of the Winter Olympics in a little over two weeks. More than 20 million people are under lockdown, many restricted to their homes amid concerns over...

Russia Denies Looking for Pretext to Invade Ukraine

(Headline USA) Russia's top diplomat on Monday angrily rejected the U.S. allegations that it was preparing a pretext to invade Ukraine as Russian troops have remained concentrated near the border. The White House said Friday that U.S. intelligence officials had concluded that Russia had already deployed operatives to rebel-controlled eastern...

Australia Revokes Tennis Star Djokovic’s Visa Again, Threatens Deportation

(Headline USA) Novak Djokovic faces deportation again after the Australian government revoked his visa for a second time, the latest twist in the ongoing saga over whether the No. 1-ranked tennis player will be allowed to compete in the Australian Open despite being unvaccinated for COVID-19. Immigration Minister Alex Hawke said Friday...

North Korea Fires Fresh Missiles in Response to US Sanctions

(Headline USA) North Korea on Friday fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles in its third weapons launch this month, officials in South Korea said, in an apparent reprisal for fresh sanctions imposed by the Biden administration for its continuing test launches. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff...

Russia Demands US, NATO Response Next Week on Ukraine

(Headline USA) Russia on Friday strongly repeated its demand that NATO will not expand eastward, despite the rejection of that by the military alliance amid a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine. It added that it wouldn't wait indefinitely for the Western response. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday described Moscow’s demands...

Ala. Woman Who Joined ISIS Stuck in Refugee Camp After SCOTUS Refuses Case

(Headline USA) Attorneys for a traitor who left her Alabama home to join the Islamic State terror group plan to continue fighting, even though the Supreme Court declined to consider her lawsuit seeking to re-enter the United States, one of the lawyers said Wednesday. Hoda Muthana and her 4-year-old child---the...
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