Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Republican AGs Challenge Biden Admin that COVID ‘Relief’ Prohibits State Tax Cuts

(Headline USA) Republican attorneys general from 21 states are questioning a provision in the $1.9 trillion pandemic "rescue" plan that bars states from using its funds to offset tax cuts. In a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday, they said the prohibition is “unclear, but potentially breathtaking” — airing...

The Top 20 States Getting ‘COVID’ Bailout Money (A Giant Red Flag)

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) President Joe Biden is taking a victory lap after signing his $1.9 trillion ‘COVID’ spending bill. “Help is here,” he wrote in a tweet promoting his plan. But Americans who are initially glad to hear that more ‘COVID’ relief is supposedly on its way may...

COVID Fear Porn + Expanded Unemployment Pay = No Workers for Small Business

(Hannah Cox, Foundation for Economic Education) A whopping 40 percent of small business owners were unable to fill job openings last month—a seven-point increase from January. This finding comes from a new report by the National Federation for Independent Business, a small business advocacy group. The inability to fill jobs comes...

Biden Wants Big Tax Hikes; Will Send Economy Into ‘Spiral for Death’

President Joe Biden will announce the largest tax hikes in a generation, which a Democrat turned Republican said will send the economy into a "spiral for death," Fox Business reported. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the first tax hikes since former President Bill Clinton's in 1993 will aim to reduce...

NO SURPRISE: Target Announces It’s Abandoning Its Minneapolis Headquarters

(Jon Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education) Target Corporation, the eighth largest retailer in the United States, announced in an email to employees on Thursday that it will be leaving the City Center, its primary downtown Minneapolis location. Company officials cited improved remote work opportunities and less need for space as the...

New York Markets Have Obliterated Silver Prices over Time

(Clint Siegner, Money Metals News Service) Many investors sense that the country, and the world, has drifted into uncharted territory. The last year has been extraordinary. There have been COVID lockdowns, a disputed presidential election, and multi-trillion-dollar federal deficits and bailouts. The Federal Reserve has injected more money into markets than...

Some Republicans Join Democrats in Push to Revive Earmarks

(Headline USA) Democrats are pushing to revive earmarks, the much-maligned practice where lawmakers direct federal spending to a specific project or institution back home. Earmarking was linked to corruption in the 2000s, leading to an outcry and their banishment in both the House and Senate. But many in Congress say the...

Federal ‘COVID’ Spending Just Hit $41,870 Per Taxpayer

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) President Joe Biden just signed his sweeping $1.9 trillion spending package into law. Once this bill hits the books, total taxpayer expenditure on (ostensibly) COVID relief will hit $6 trillion—which, roughly estimated, comes out to $41,870 in spending per federal taxpayer. Did you see anywhere...

Pace of Spending for ‘Virus Relief?’ Try $43,000 Every Second

(Headline USA) To pay out Democrats' coronavirus "relief" package --- of which only 10 percent of spending actually addresses virus-affected issues --- President Joe Biden must spend an average of $3.7 billion every day for the rest of this year. That’s $43,000 every second of every day until midnight chimes on...

Apple Refuses Parler’s Request to Return to App Store

Apple has refused to allow free speech social media platform Parler to return to its App Store, accusing the company of hosting hateful content. “After having reviewed the new information, we do not believe these changes are sufficient to comply with App Store Review guidelines” Apple wrote to Parler. “There...

The Fedcoin is Coming

(Keith Weiner, Money Metals News Service) Before we talk about Fedcoins, let’s look at the old school non-digital, non-blockchain, coin. Gold. And silver. Since January 4, the price has dropped about $244. And the price of silver has fallen about $4. Are these buying opportunities? Or the end of the brief...

Magflation: An Unexpected Gold and Silver Driver

(David Smith, Money Metals News Service) During the 1970's, the U.S. experienced a decade of below-trend economic growth combined with rising interest rates – and eventually – massively higher gold and silver prices. Some sectors boomed while others lagged, and then as now, the majority of the population struggled with rising...
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