Thursday, September 19, 2024


Sen. Rick Scott Bashes COVID Bailouts for Reckless Blue-State Spending

'American families make responsible budgetary decisions every day...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Congress is spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to combat mass unemployment and economic losses caused by the Wuhan coronavirus. But Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., a self-made multimillionaire businessman, is warning about efforts to use new funding to bailout financially incompetent...

Lawmakers, Scholars Offer Ways to Seize China’s Assets to Pay for COVID

'We should engage our allies to isolate China economically and make them pay for their deadly bad-faith actions in the world arena...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) China lied, Americans died. Now it’s time to pay for it. That’s the view of a growing consensus of lawmakers, conservative scholars and diverse voting...

Trump Suggests Withholding Aid From Fiscally Irresponsible, ‘Democrat Run’ States

'There’s not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump suggested via Twitter on Monday that the federal government should not bail out fiscally irresponsible states and cities run by Democrats. Why...

NC County Warns Hobby Lobby Against Reopening Despite State Approval

'This additional strain on our already stressed law enforcement resources from a non-essential business seems out of order at this critical time...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Hobby Lobby planned to reopen its Salisbury, North Carolina location on Monday after receiving the green light from the state government. But Rowan County, the...

‘NO’ VOTE: Fiscal Conservatives Condemn Unsustainable Crisis Spending

'We cannot continue to push through rapid-fire spending packages that leave a massive debt burden on our children and grandchildren...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Four outspoken fiscal conservatives were among those who opposed the $484-billion spending package the House passed on Thursday. Congress now has committed almost $3 trillion in emergency...

Cuomo to Unemployed New Yorkers: Get ‘Essential’ Job So You Won’t ‘Kill Anyone’

'The illness is death. What is worse than death?...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that if New Yorkers are eager to get back to work during the Wuhan virus pandemic, they should find jobs that his administration has deemed "essential." “You want to go to work,...

SEN.: Wealthy Univs. Should Spend Endowment $Billions$ Before Tapping Taxpayers for ‘Relief’

'Not a single cent ever should be spent making rich universities even richer. They do enough harm to this country...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said he planned to offer legislation that would block the Education Department from offering bailouts to wealthy universities until after they had dug...

Liberal Rep. Admits Dems Used Sidelined Workers to Maximize Political ‘Leverage’

'We have real concerns about giving away leverage now without getting some of the priorities we need...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Leftist Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., admitted that she and her Democratic colleagues blocked legislation that would have increased funding for small businesses because they were afraid of losing political...

WATCHDOG: Limiting Immigration Will Help Americans Get Back to Work

'Visas exist because companies have succeeded in creating this narrative that there are a shortage of workers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump's announcement that he would temporarily suspend immigration during the coronavirus pandemic may be a step in the right direction, but according to a leading immigration-enforcement watchdog,...

Sen. Urges Trump to Stop Saudi Tankers from Unloading Their Crude in U.S.

'This is the American energy producers’ Pearl Harbor...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Oil prices plummeted to below zero on Monday amid the Wuhan virus-driven economic shutdown and the ruthless oversupply of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. In response, Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., urged President Donald Trump to stop all Saudi tankers...

Sen. Pleads w/ Justice Dept. to Keep Bernie Madoff in Prison Amid COVID Releases

'It is imperative the Federal Bureau of Prisons strongly considers the financial, emotional and physical devastation that some inmates have caused...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) District attorneys, mayors and governors are using the Wuhan coronavirus as a reason to deploy radical left-wing criminal-justice policies across the country. But Sen. John Kennedy,...

Ilhan Omar Introduces Plan to Suspend All Rent, Mortgage Payments

'The fact is that many of those investors are things like pension funds...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., introduced legislation on Friday that would cancel rent and mortgage payments for all Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal would establish a relief fund for landlords and mortgage holders...
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