Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Has the Fed Let the Inflation Genie Out of the Bottle?

The dramatic ascent of precious metals markets this summer reflects what could be just the start of a longer-term decline and fall in the Federal Reserve Note's value and status. With gold prices surpassing $2,000/oz recently, the monetary metal has now made new all-time highs versus all the world’s major...

REPORT: Chinese Companies Got Millions in PPP COVID-Relief Grants

Even as President Donald Trump was promising to hold China accountable for its role in the spread---and possible creation---of the novel coronavirus, one of his signature economic stimulus programs was funneling big bucks to the communist super-power. A new analysis revealed that more than 125 Chinese companies received between $192...

Trump Fires Chair of Federally-Owned TVA for Hiring Foreign Workers

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump said Monday that he had fired the chair of the Tennessee Valley Authority, criticizing the federally owned corporation for hiring foreign workers. Trump told reporters at the White House that he was formally removing chair Skip Thompson and another member of the board, and he...

Energy Dept. Recovers $200M from Failed Obama-Era Solar Energy Boondoggle

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced that it’s clawing back $200 million from the now-defunct Crescent Dunes solar power plant near Tonopah, Nevada. The bad news, however, is that the Obama-era debacle cost taxpayers $737 million in crony loan guarantees, and the project’s developer was unable to repay another...

Navigating Cynical Politics and Rigged Markets to Investment Profits

It’s a cliché that gets repeated every four years: This is the most important election of our lifetime! Perhaps this one, a national referendum on the presidency of Donald J. Trump, will prove to be so. What we can say with more certainty is that this will be the most...

Gold Climbs 27% to $1,941 Per Ounce; Ranks as the Best Investment of the Year

(Headline USA) Wall Street is in the throes of a gold rush, as investors drive the price of the precious metal to new heights. Gold has been the best investment of the year so far. The price of the precious metal has climbed nearly 27% this year, more than triple...

Dem. Officials Eye Tax Hikes after Virus Shutdowns Drained Their Coffers

State and local governments placed citizens under house arrest and forcefully closed businesses, destroying the livelihoods of many Now they are demanding that they pay higher taxes, The Daily Wire reported. Members of the Nashville City Council voted to increase property taxes by 34 percent in order to give more funding...

MNUCHIN: GOP Set to Approve New Round of $1,200 COVID-Relief Checks

(Headline USA) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday that Republicans were set to roll out the next COVID-19 aid package Monday. He assured that there was backing from the White House after he and President Donald Trump's top aide met to salvage the $1 trillion proposal that had floundered just...

McConnell Readies Roll-Out of $1 Trillion CARES II Relief Package

(Headline USA) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is set to unveil a $1 trillion COVID-19 rescue package on Thursday, pushing past a Republican revolt over big spending and differences with the White House as the virus panic worsens. The package, called CARES II, is made up of separate bills from 10 senators as...

Hawley Calls On Corporate America, Woke Celebs to De-Slave Their Products

In a Tuesday morning tweet, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., challenged activist celebrities and corporate America to take a stand against slavery by holding governments like China accountable for their appalling labor practices. I challenge every major American corporation making products overseas in #China or elsewhere to pledge that they are...

How High Will Silver Go?

The torrid rally in the silver market reached a major milestone this morning as prices hit $21/oz. On Monday, the silver spot price tracked by Money Metals Exchange closed at $20.12 (the futures market price settled at $20.19). That marks the first above-$20 close for silver since 2016. The white-hot silver market...

‘Unwoke’ Jobs Board Helps Companies Avoid Hiring Wackjob Political Activists

Hire thinkers. Not activists. That’s the tagline for a new job placement service that intends to connect “courageous, free thinking and freedom loving individuals” in the workplace, as opposed to promoting “ideologues whose only agenda is to weaponize your brand and business to further a radical cause.” The firm, known as...
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