Friday, September 27, 2024


Dems Try to Ban MAGA Reps from Leading Pledge in U.S. House

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) What should have been a simple and unifying amendment put forth by Republicans in the U.S. House devolved into a partisan sniping venture by demagoguing Democrats who tried to ban America First GOP representatives from leading the Pledge of Allegiance. At the outset of a meeting to...

Lawmakers Claim Dems Pressured DirecTV to De-Platform Newsmax, Conservative Media

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) In a subversive plot to undermine the First Amendment, U.S. House Democrats pressured media network providers to de-platform conservative voices, and in at least two cases were successful in their efforts, according to top-ranking Republican lawmakers. AT&T’s controversial decision to drop the Right-leaning Newsmax channel from its...

Former ABC Journo Arrested on Child Porn Charge

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Justice Department announced Wednesday that it has charged former ABC News journalist James Gordon Meek with transporting child pornography—putting an end to months of speculation that followed the April 2022 FBI raid of Meek’s home. The DOJ said in a press release that its investigation began...

N.Y. University System Holds Diplomas Hostage to Force Students to Take DEISJ Course

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) One of the Left's largest indoctrination centers, the 64-campus State University of New York college system, decided to brainwash its students even more by mandating to incoming freshmen at all of its colleges that they won't be able to get a diploma unless they pass...

Woke PayPal Will Fire 2,000 Employees

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Financial technology company PayPal announced on Tuesday that it will fire about 2,000 of its employees, which is 7% of its whole workforce, as the payment processing service faces what they call a "challenging macroeconomic environment," or "get woke - go broke" in non--Orwellian language. "These...

Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic for Ritualistic Infanticide

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The Satanic Temple has opened an abortion clinic it claims will be used to carry out ritualistic infanticide. The Satanists began their "religious medical services" practice on Wednesday. The stated purpose of the services is to carry out abortions as rituals, according to LifeNews. The Satanists claim...

AI Voice-Cloning Tool Used to Make Celebs Spout Racist Slurs

(Headline USA) A new artificial intelligence tool is already being used to create deepfakes, or fake videos, of celebrities using racial and inappropriate slurs, according to a report. Eleven Labs, a British AI firm, said on Monday that it would be putting additional “safeguards” on its platform after finding “an increasing...

Maxine Waters Paid Daughter $192K in 2022 Campaign Funds

(Headline USA) Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., paid her daughter nearly $200,000 in campaign cash during the 2022 election cycle, according to a new report. Federal Election Commission filings reviewed by Fox News show Waters’s campaign paid Karen Waters $192,300 for a “slate mailer” operation between Jan. 2021 and Dec. 2022. Slate-mailing...

CNN Hopes Bill Maher Can Rescue Late-Night Lineup

(Headline USA) CNN announced this week that it will begin airing comedian Bill Maher’s Overtime on Friday nights, likely in an attempt to boost the network’s abysmal ratings. The first installment of Overtime, which is a post-show segment from HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, will air on Feb. 3 during...

Major Media Outlets Announce They’re Ditching Objectivity for ‘Diversity’

(Headline USA) Major media outlets are moving away from objectivity in their reporting, claiming an unbiased account of the facts is no longer tenable with many issues of the day. In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Leonard Downie Jr., the former executive editor of the Post, and former CBS News...

Auditors Find ‘Widespread Fraud’ in Federal Government’s Pandemic Spending

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The U.S. federal government has spent more than $5 trillion on pandemic relief programs to date, with untold billions of dollars of that money being lost to widespread fraud, according to testimony given Wednesday to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Speaking at the committee's first...

NYTimes Reverses Course w/ Stories Questioning Trans Dogma

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The New York Times, the newspaper forming the opinions of elite leftists, has openly transitioned to questioning gender ideology as President Trump promises to protect the rights of parents whose children have adopted a false gender identity. NYT is the "arbiter of upscale left-liberal opinion," according to...
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