Friday, September 27, 2024


Harvard Snowflakes Rally for On-Campus ‘Nap Pods’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The far-left Harvard University undergraduates have decided once more to practice their political activism, this time demanding that the administration provide "nap pods" around campus for them to catch up on sleep, the College Fix reported. A student even published an op-ed in the school newspaper, The...

Biden Takes Credit for Rail Workers’ Sick Leave, Despite Fighting Against It

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Just weeks after fighting against paid sick leave for freight workers and imposing an agreement without any paid time off onto the workers via Congress, the Biden administration is taking credit for the union's successful negotiation. According to the Daily Wire, CSX, a rail company based...

Biden Shrugs Off Communist Spy Balloon, as U.S. House Condemns China’s Surveillance

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) President Joe Biden dismissed as “not a major breach” the China spy balloon that he let float across the country, and that military and national security analysts have linked to surveillance and intelligence-gathering programs run by the Communist government’s military, even as a united U.S. House...

Ark. Gov. Sanders Baffles Dems w/ Plan to Give Teachers Pay Raises, Ban CRT in Schools

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Arkansas Republican Gov. Sarah Sanders unveiled an ambitious plan Thursday to rework the state's beleaguered education system by giving teachers huge raises, parents and students the option of school choice and banning radical and dangerous leftist indoctrination from public schools. The proposed legislation combines a whopping 39%...

Weaponization Committee Dems Ignore FBI’s Infiltration of BLM to Foment Violence

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) On Tuesday, investigative reporter Trevor Aaronson published the first installment of a podcast series that reveals stunning information about FBI informants infiltrating Black Lives Matter protests and encouraging them to commit violence in the summer of 2020. The events described by Aaronson are reminiscent of COINTELPRO, a...

FDA Broke Own Rules Collaborating w/ Big Pharma for Alzheimer’s Drug

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Two House committees investigated the Food and Drug Administration's fast-tracked approval of Aduhelm, a controversial and unproven drug that biotechnology corporation Biogen created. The Oversight and Reform and the Energy and Commerce committees issued a report that found the approval process “rife with irregularities,” UncoverDC reported. The...

San Fran. Eyes Hooker Red-Light District for City

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The leftist San Francisco suffers from sex trafficking and sexual degeneracy prominent on its streets, and, according to local officials, the solution to the problem caused by leftist policies is more policies -- normalizing and legalizing prostitution by implementing an Amsterdam-like sanctioned red-light district. This is...

Defense Officials Raise Concerns about US Military’s Reliance on China’s Minerals

(Headline USA) House Republicans and defense officials raised concerns during a hearing this week about the U.S. military’s dependence on China for important minerals. A recent report found that the U.S. is almost completely dependent on China for antimony, a mineral used in a variety of military equipment, including night...

AOC Claims Hunter Biden Laptop Story is ‘Half-Fake,’ Defends Twitter Censorship

(Headline USA) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story is “half fake” during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Big Tech censorship this week. Ocasio-Cortez claimed the hearing was a waste of time and that concerns about Twitter’s collusion with the federal government are overwrought. "We could be...

New York NHL Team Refuses to Don Pride Uniforms, Pander to LGBT Mob

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The New York Islanders made official its decision to not wear rainbow jerseys or rainbow stick tape for 'pride' night when it hits the ice. The Islanders have an organizational policy against specialized warm up gear, according to Breitbart News. The franchise only wears alternative jerseys when...

Calif. Sec. of State Says They’ll ‘Lead the Nation’ in Reparations

(Headline USA) A leading force behind the California’s reparations task force claimed this week that the Golden State can “lead the nation” in providing reparations to its black residents. “The process of creating this whole task force … was to create some sense of equity and fairness in the conversation,...

Watchdog: Several ‘Acting’ Biden Officials in Violation of Federal Law

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The Government Accountability Office discovered that several officials for the Biden administration are in violation of federal law by holding office. According to the Daily Wire, the GAO issued five reports with the discoveries of their investigations. The officials, who work in "acting roles" while sanctioned positions...
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