Tuesday, June 25, 2024


STUDY: No Indications that Russian Interference Impacted 2016 Outcome

'The results were almost totally predictable based on the political and demographic characteristics of those states...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A newly released analysis from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics revealed that---contrary to what failed candidate Hillary Clinton and many others have claimed---any alleged Russian interference in the...

Liberal Pundits Seethe as Trump Gains Popularity Despite Constant Attacks

'Whether by design or lucky accident, he has given himself a singular armor, a special inoculation, which is that no one expects more from him...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In spite of the incessant attacks from the Left calling President Donald Trump a "racist" and claiming he is the direct...

Anthem-Kneeling NFL Player Complains About Team Owner’s Trump Fundraiser

'You can’t have a non profit with this mission statement then open your doors to Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Ranked the 61st overall wide receiver by NFL.com, Miami Dolphins starter Kenny Stills is known more for his sideline antics these days than his on-field exploits. Stills cracked triple digits in...

Pocahontas Deflects on Dayton Killer’s Support for Her; Still Blames Trump for El Paso

'This is an attempt to distract from the fact that Trump’s rhetoric is inciting violence...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The only 2020 candidate known to have been endorsed by one of the three recent mass shooters downplayed the notion that their extreme political rhetoric was tied to the killer's deranged...

Swing-District Democrat Says Impeachment is ‘Super Toxic’

'If I act unilaterally, or what’s perceived as unilaterally and leave my community behind, then it looks like a power grab...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As news broke last week that more than half of House Democrats now support impeaching President Donald Trump---despite lacking the cause to do so---at least...

Dayton Killer’s Far-Left Tweets Spoil Media’s ‘White Supremacist’ Narrative

'I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The effort by the Left to blame right-wing extremism as the cause of Saturday's Walmart shooting in El Paso, Texas, is quickly dissipating as details unfold about the Dayton, Ohio, shooting...

‘Mass Shooting’ Data Hyped by Media Reveal Obama’s Record Worse than Trump’s

California responsible for 1 in 8 attacks, despite more than 100 gun restrictions... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) An analysis of the statistics used by left-wing media to hype the "mass shooting" epidemic in America may also help debunk several of the gun-control myths being promoted by them. Among the revelations from...

MICHELLE OBAMA: ‘Zero Chance’ She Is Plotting a Presidential Run

'It’s just not for me...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) While speculation continued to mount that Michelle Obama may be planning a behind-the-scenes bid to commandeer the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, the former first lady issued an unequivocal denial. "Just between us, and the readers of this magazine—there’s zero chance," Obama told...

Inspector Gen. Refers Comey for Prosecution; DOJ Declines to Do So

'Comey entered the FBI chief’s job with a reputation for excellence but ran a bureau that suffered from ineptitude, political shenanigans, leaking and significant human failings...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Despite the ongoing efforts of Democrats like Reps. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, and Adam Schiff, D-Calif, to keep the Mueller investigation...

GOP Sen. Overreaches w/ Gov’t Attempt to Cure Social Media ‘Addiction’

'Too much of the ‘innovation’ in this space is designed not to create better products, but to capture more attention by using psychological tricks...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A new bill being pitched in the Senate could change the way people interact with sites like Facebook, Twitter and the teen-popular...

CNN ‘Gotcha’ Attempt Makes Fraudulent Comparison Between Baltimore & Ala.

'CNN’s hyper-partisan, anti-Trump motivation blinded them to the truth...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As many in the public seemed to agree with President Donald Trump's assessment of Baltimore as a "rat infested" hell-hole, far-left mouthpiece CNN was obliged to shift its strategy from weepy-eyed indignation to finger-pointing deflection. On Tuesday, correspondent...

New Cuomo Law in NY Forbids Schools from Arming Teachers

'While the federal government turns its back on gun violence and prevention, we're committed to preventing tragedies and saving lives...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) From late-term abortions to resisting federal immigration authorities to trying to force the release of President Donald Trump's state taxes, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has...
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