Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Soros-Backed PAC Downgrades Ex-‘Swing’ State Ohio in 2020 Plan

' If Ohio is in play, we’ll have already won the easier states and have 270 electoral votes...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Ohio progressives who hoped George Soros would come to their aid in the 2020 election shouldn't hold their breath. In February, the Soros-backed Priorities USA, one of the largest Democratic...

Cuban-Born Millionaire Slams Dem Socialists; Compares AOC to Castro

'I believe that one day AOC will be viewed as the person who killed the Democratic Party because of her cockeyed crazy ideas...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Self-made millionaire Félix Sabates, a Cuban immigrant, issued the latest warning about America's leftist radicalization with a full-page ad in the Charlotte Observer...

Oversight Committee Dems Demand Ga. Gov. Turn Over Election Docs

The committee 'has the broad authority to investigate "any matter" at "any time"...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two powerful Democrats on the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Oversight and Reform continued to push a narrative of election impropriety in the Georgia governor's race, demanding that its winner, Gov. Brian...

SOWELL: Low-Info Voters Will Likely Lead to Socialist Downfall of U.S.

'We may make it, but I wouldn’t bet on it...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Eminent economist and conservative columnist Thomas Sowell said Tuesday that the willful ignorance of many Leftist radicals may well lead America down the path of socialism---and inevitable decline. While Sowell noted that most economists predicted such a...

Eric Holder Says He Won’t Run for President in 2020

'The party should never lose sight of our primary objective: making sure a Democratic president is sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A week after announcing he plans to merge his Democratic gerrymandering operations with President Barack Obama's campaign arm, former Attorney General Eric Holder said...

Virginia Dems Avoid Saying If They’d Want Northam, Fairfax to Campaign for Them

'This session demonstrates exactly what is at stake this fall...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Although it seems increasingly clear that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax may dodge direct accountability by riding out their respective racism and rape scandals, other Democrats in the state fear the political...

AOC’s Mom Flees New York Due to Excessive Taxes

'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) If Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez's ambitiously spendthrift Green New Deal were ever to take effect, adding trillions in debt to the economy, it is estimated that the...

Democrats’ Racist ‘Plantation’ Legacy Is Central to Reparations Push

'Nobody thinks Northam must be blamed for his ancestral sins, but it’s worth asking: does he know that his great-grandfather was a violent supremacist?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As several powerful voices on the Left have recently resurrected the controversial call for slavery reparations, their own relationships with privilege, minority...

RNC Chair Says Trump GOP Challengers Will ‘Lose Horribly’

'What would any Republican be thinking saying, ‘this is a guy I’m going to run against.’...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel didn't mince any words about the chances she saw of an outside contender ousting...

Court-Forced Gerrymandering Lawsuit Reveals Dem. Hypocrisy in N.C.

'There is absolutely no consistency to their arguments throughout the lawsuit...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In North Carolina, former Attorney General Eric Holder's National Democratic Redistricting Committee and other activist groups continue to cynically cast out any principles of equity or common-sense fairness in their effort to transform red states. On...

Bernie Sanders Hires Illegal Immigrant to Be Deputy Press Secretary

'Even though I can’t vote, I can get 200 people to vote, and that matters...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) While activists and media press for investigation into the use of illegal immigrant workers at President Donald Trump's family-run golf courses, 2020 White House contender Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is openly...

STATS: Calif. Cops Ignored 5,600+ ICE Detainers in Two Years BEFORE Sanctuary Law

'The release of aliens previously convicted of crimes ... will only rise now that sanctuary policies are state law...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit on detainer requests for illegal immigrants in California not only revealed the shocking number of criminals released, but it also dispelled...
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