Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Youth’s Overdose Death Renews Advocate’s Calls for Narcan in Schools

(Headline USA) The death of a 13-year-old student who apparently overdosed on fentanyl at his Connecticut school has drawn the attention of advocates, who are pleading for schools to stock the opioid antidote naloxone, as well as for training of both staffers and children on how to recognize and...

NANNY STATE: USC Frat Parties Must Now Have Security Guard Present

(Headline USA) Most fraternities at the University of Southern California will be allowed to start having parties again in March if security guards are posted at stairs or hallways in fraternity houses that lead to bedrooms, the Los Angeles Times reported. Strict rules issued in advance of spring recruiting known...

US Drops Case Against MIT Professor Accused of Ties to China

(Headline USA) The Justice Department dropped its case Thursday against a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor accused of concealing ties to the Chinese government, a further setback to a federal initiative aimed at preventing Beijing from profiting off academic research at U.S. colleges and universities. The department revealed its decision...

WATCH: Los Angeles School Appears to Rope Off Unvaxxed Students from Classmates

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) School officials in Los Angeles allegedly roped off group of unvaxxed students from their classmates, giving a twisted, Orwellian overtone to the term segregation. Unvax students at New West Charter LA segregated behind barriers & not allowed to attend class. They asked for chairs, were denied...

Parents Protest CRT Push in New Mexico Schools

(Headline USA) A proposal to overhaul New Mexico’s social studies standards has stirred debate over how race should be taught in schools, with thousands of parents and teachers weighing in on changes that would dramatically increase leftist-leaning instruction related to racial and social identity beginning at the absurdly early...

Teacher in Doghouse for Failing to Recognize Cat-Identifying Student

(John Ransom, Headline USA) In a video that has gone viral, a substitute teacher took to TikTok to reveal she was fired by a school for not meowing back at a student who self-identifies as a cat. "Okay, okay. I've got to rant for a minute," the teacher said in a...

Chicago Students Stage Walkout, Demand Free Laptops and COVID Reparations

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Before Chicago teachers were forced back into the classroom, while they were staying busy protesting about having to resume work, a horde of woke students were learning all the wrong lessons and were quick to put into action the same tactics as their leftist educators. At least...

REVIEW: Ben Carson’s 1st Kids Book Is Inspiring, If a Tad Low-Energy

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) One of the few silver linings to country's the growing partisan rancor and trend of radical indoctrination in schools has been an explosion of conservative books for kids. Series like the Tuttle Twins and Brave Books have built entire franchises around tempering didactic teachings with fantastic...

Texas School District Tells Teachers Not to ‘Out’ Trans or Non-Binary Students to Parents

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Walsh Middle School in Round Rock, Texas, advised teachers at a training seminar not to tell parents that their children identify as "transgender" or "non-binary" because it is "potentially dangerous" and "damaging," American Greatness reported. “DO NOT contact their parents and out them to their families," a...

Disabled Pre-Schoolers Being Taught to ‘Deconstruct Whiteness’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A statewide North Carolina education program teaches disabled pre-schoolers Critical Race Theory, emphasizing the evils of whiteness and teaching them that "whiteness affects everything." Apparently lacking in confidence that older children or adults would accept CRT, the state's bureaucracy has decided to target disabled three-year-olds. The program has...

Six CUNY Profs. Sue School & Union for ‘Anti-Jewish’ Ideology

Six professors at City University of New York filed a lawsuit to break from the Professional Staff Congress, a union that represents all the school's faculty, because of its “ideological and political advocacy," National Right to Work reported. These professors, including five Jewish faculty members, stated in the lawsuit that...

Chicago Teachers Accept COVID Deal, Keeping Kids in School

(Headline USA) Students in the nation's third-largest school district returned to classrooms Wednesday after Chicago Public Schools canceled five days of classes amid a standoff with the teachers' union over COVID-19 safety protocols. Their return happened the same day the full membership of the Chicago Teachers Union narrowly gave their...
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