Monday, March 3, 2025


Mississippi Mayor Defends Drive-In Church Ban, but Waives $500 Fines

'Me and my wife were both in the car together, and both of us got tickets...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After facing backlash, a Mississippi mayor issued a statement assuring citizens they would not need to pay the $500 tickets that police issued to them for attending drive-up church services...

Alyssa Milano: To Protect Public From Coronavirus, Stop Buying Guns

'We have to keep each other safe by social distancing and washing our hands and not bringing dangerous firearms into our homes...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Actress and leftist activist Alyssa Milano claimed the public can prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus by preventing the sales of guns. "I'm seeing...

Kansas Gov., GOP Legislature in All-Out War Over Virus Ban on Religious Services

'Kansans should not be arrested for practicing their faith...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, filed a lawsuit against the state’s legislature after it overturned her ban on religious gatherings during the coronavirus outbreak. The seven-member Legislative Coordinating Council, which features members of both the state House...

Miss. City Sued for Ban on Drive-In Easter Services

'Your recent order prohibiting drive-in services leaves him in reasonable fear that he and his church members will be fined and criminally prosecuted...' UPDATE: Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Greenville’s Temple Baptist Church filed suit in federal district court Friday to challenge Mayor Errick Simmons’ April 7 executive order that bans...

NY Dems Attack Franklin Graham Charity for Setting Up Coronavirus Hospital

'It's a shame that the federal government has left New York with no other choice but to accept charity from bigots...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After Samaritan's Purse---a humanitarian relief organization run by Christian evangelist Franklin Graham---announced it would aid coronavirus patients in New York City, a couple of government...

Rep. Al Green Attacks Trump, Republicans for Phantom ‘Hate Crimes’ Over ‘Chinese Virus’

'This virus does not discriminate---people do. It is incumbent upon all of us to denounce hatred and bigotry in all its forms...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) House Democrats continued to make clear their priority during the ongoing coronavirus emergency that President Donald Trump should avoid hurting China's feelings. "The use of...

De Blasio Threatens to Permanently Close Churches, Synagogues That Continue to Meet

'If you’re under 50 and you’re healthy, which is most New Yorkers, there’s very little threat here...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to permanently close churches, synagogues or other houses of worship that continue to defy the city’s shelter-in-place order. Speaking to the city’s...

AOC: Coronavirus is Exposing Americans’ ‘Straight Up Racism’

'She is like literally like not aware of like literally much of like anything...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-N.Y., claimed the coronavirus is exposing Americans’ “straight up racism.” “Honestly, it sounds almost so silly to say, but there’s a lot of restaurants that are feeling the pain of...

GRASSLEY: Schools w/ Confucius Institutes Should Be Briefed by FBI on Threats

'The activities of Confucius Institutes are inherently political in nature and intended to influence U.S. policy and public opinion...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, issued a warning to the 77 colleges and universities that still house Chinese-controlled Confucius Institutes, urging them to recognize “the risks” these institutes...

Virtue-Signaling Starbucks Sees Business Drop after Opening to Homeless Loiterers

'These results show the difficulties of companies attempting to provide public goods, as potential customers are crowded out by non-paying members of the public...'' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A recent scientific analysis of cell-phone data revealed that Starbucks' virtue-signaling decision to allow anyone to use its restrooms and loiter in...

RAPINOE: Women’s Soccer Players Will Sue Unless League Pays ‘Considerable Damages’

'Women’s soccer outside of the United States doesn’t have the same degree of respect...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Even after U.S. Soccer offered to increase the salaries of its female players, U.S. Women’s National Team soccer star Megan Rapinoe said she and her teammates would not accept the number until...

Federal Judge Rules Against High School Coach Who Led Students in Prayer

'For almost five long years Joe has had to miss coaching the game he loves...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A federal judge ruled against a Washington high school football coach who was fired for leading his students in prayer on the field. U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Leighton ruled that the...
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