Sunday, June 30, 2024


SELLERS: Ga.’s Stone Mountain a Symbol of Southern Blacks’ Triumph

Atop Georgia's Stone Mountain on a recent Saturday, hundreds of African Americans, as well as other visitors of color, stood triumphantly overlooking the newly conquered terrain. They had surmounted the strenuous, one-mile trek to the top despite the hot, August sun---which by mid-morning already felt like it had climbed past...

Gun Sales in New York More Than Double As Crime Skyrockets

Gun sales in New York more than doubled during the month of June compared to last year, according to FBI data collected by the New York Post. More than 52,000 background checks were conducted for people seeking to buy firearms in the Empire State, according to the data, which is...

Appeals Court Rules for ‘Transgender’ in Bathroom Case

(Headline USA) A Florida school district was wrong when it forced a transgender high school student to either use the girls bathroom or a single-stall gender neutral bathroom, a federal appeals court ruled. The ruling issued Friday sides with Drew Adams, who sued the St. Johns County School District because she...

Dem House Candidate Apologizes for Trysts w/ Students While a Professor

A Democrat House candidate is under fire after allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior surfaced this weekend. Alex Morse, the current mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts, is attempting to unseat incumbent Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., and take hold of the state’s first congressional district. But that effort is now in jeopardy as Morse...

TRUMP: Racist Biden ‘No Longer Worthy of the Black Vote’

Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden's most recent racist remark drew a searing e-mail Friday from President Donald Trump, who said the presumptive rival was unworthy of support from voters of color. After yesterday’s statement, Sleepy Joe Biden is no longer worthy of the Black Vote! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August...

Va. Mayor Refuses Mob Call to Resign over ‘Aunt Jemima’ Joke on Facebook

The mayor of a Virginia town rejected calls from leftists this week to step down after he shared a humorous post joking that presidential candidate Joe Biden would tap “Aunt Jemima” as his running mate. The Mayors post: pic.twitter.com/2Pn1b7x0Ey — VAYD Valley Region Caucus (@VAYDValley) August 3, 2020 Offended residents, supported by...

Louisiana AG Slams Facebook’s ‘Orwellian’ Removal of Viral COVID Video

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry slammed Big Tech for removing a viral video of a group of doctors debunking COVID-19 myths Landry accused social media giants of political bias, and he specifically called out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for hiding behind the platform’s “algorithms” when confronted about Facebook’s habitual conservative...

Loeffler Blasts WNBA After Players Wear Shirts Supporting Her Opponent

After players on the WNBA team co-owned by Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler were seen wearing shirts in support of her Senate challenger this week, Loeffler slammed the league for caring more about politics than basketball. Ha. WNBA player wearing a Vote Warnock shirt. Rev Warnock is running for senate in...

ESPN Host Admits ‘Mistake’ Mocking Injury of NBA Player Who Refused to Kneel

ESPN radio host Dan Le Batard apologized on Monday for posting a Twitter poll asking followers if they thought it was funny that Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac’s knee injury was funny. We apologize for this poll question. I said on the front and back end of the on-air conversation...

Navy SEALs Cut Ties w/ Museum Over Colin Kaepernick Video

(Associated Press) The commander of the Navy SEALs said the unit will suspend its support of the National Navy SEAL Museum, a nonprofit organization not overseen by the military after videos surfaced online of dogs attacking a man wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey during a demonstration. “Each and every one of...

STUDY: Americans’ Skepticism of Media is Only Getting WORSE

(Headline USA) The distrust many Americans feel toward the news media, which is responsible for much of the nation's partisan divide problems, only seems to be getting worse. The trend was the conclusion of a “sobering” study of attitudes toward the press conducted by Knight Foundation and Gallup and released Tuesday. Nearly...

Navy to Investigate K-9 Demo that Used Pretend Colin Kaepernick

(Headline USA) The U.S. Navy is investigating an incident in which dogs attacked a “Colin Kaepernick stand-in” during a K-9 demonstration during a 2019 fundraiser at the Navy SEAL Museum in Florida. The Navy said in a statement posted on Twitter that officials became aware of the video on Sunday. https://t.co/c2Rtf9dARW...
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