Sunday, June 16, 2024


Biden Admin Backs Gender Surgeries, Hormone Therapy for Kids

(Headline USA) The Biden administration released a series of documents this week endorsing gender-reassignment surgeries and hormone therapy for young children who identify as transgender. The new guidance, titled “Gender Affirming Care and Young People,” describes “appropriate” treatments for transgender minors, which include “‘top’ surgery – to create male-typical chest shape...

Calif. Panel: Limit Reparations to Black Americans w/ Enslaved Ancestors

(Headline USA) A California task force voted to move forward with its reparations plan this week, agreeing to limit reparations to black families in the state whose ancestors were in the U.S. while slavery was still legal. After hours of debate, the panel voted 5-4 in favor of this limitation. The...

Med. Student Botches Procedure after Patient Questions Pronouns

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A student from Wake Forest University medical school posted a tweet saying she intentionally pricked someone for questioning her "she/her" pin, Western Journal reported. A @wakeforestmed 4th year medical student says she abused a patient because he laughed at her pronoun pin. She has since deleted...

Pentagon Lists 750 Forbidden Confederate Proper Names

(John Ransom, Headline USA) The federal commission charged by Joe Biden with erasing the history of the Confederacy in America has released 750 proper names it’s targeting for replacement. "This list is subject to change as we continue our work with the Department of Defense to identify all such assets across...

Daily Wire Plans to Rival Disney w/ Alternative Programming for Kids

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Daily Wire announced plans to launch alternative children's programming as the Walt Disney Company's machinations are revealed, the Post Millennial reported. Daily Wire Co-CEO Jeremey Boreing announced the project, suggesting that his programming won't be inspired by LGBT activism like Disney's. "Americans have enormous economic might,...

Did Kamala Hit Doobie w/ Jamaican Leader Before Saying This?

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) While hosting Jamaica's prime minister, Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech that had some wondering if she had partaken beforehand in the island country's unofficial national pastime. Is she in Jamaica? Cuz she definitely been hitting that Jamaica lettuce. — IAguy (@kkraft54) March 31, 2022 “We also...

Rabbis Denounce Disney’s Plan to Foist LGBT Programming onto Kids

(John Ransom, Headline USA) A coalition of 2,000 Jewish Orthodox rabbis sent out a statement today denouncing Disney’s newest plan to integrate gay characters into its entertainment. Andy Vermaut shares:Disney has betrayed the very values that were responsible for its success, Orthodox rabbis warn: A coalition that represents more than 2,000...

Trump-Backing Movie Star Bruce Willis Retires from Acting w/ Brain Condition

(Headline USA) Bruce Willis is stepping away from acting after a diagnosis of aphasia, a condition that causes loss of the ability to understand or express speech, his family said Wednesday. In a statement posted on Willis' Instagram page, the 67-year-old actor's family announced that Willis was recently diagnosed with...

Biden Unveils Gender-Neutral Passports on ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden is commemorating Transgender Day of Visibility by celebrating prominent transgender Americans and advocating against what his administration terms “dangerous anti-transgender legislative attacks" that have passed in statehouses across the country. Biden on Thursday is announcing new measures aimed at making the federal government more inclusive...

BlackRock Co-Founder Giddy over Coming Food Crisis for ‘Entitled Generation’

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) BlackRock co-founder and president and Rob Kapito has claimed that an "entitled generation" of Americans is going to have to learn how to sacrifice in light of skyrocketing inflation, Bloomberg reported. The Harvard Business School-educated oligarch -- who according to the Daily Mail "has an estimated...

Oscars Sponsor Pfizer Has a New Drug in Trial for…. Alopecia

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla appears to be at it again, this time sponsoring the Oscars as its pending drug for alopecia, an autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss, took center stage, Wayne Dupree reported. Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith's wife, with whom she practices an open...

Leftist Fact-Checkers Defend Will Smith over 1991 Hair-Loss Joke

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Leftists rushed to the defense of embattled actor Will Smith after 30-year-old clip of him mocking a bald man resurfaced online. Shortly before winning the best actor Oscar on Sunday, Smith shocked viewers by assaulting presenter Chris Rock, a fellow black comedian, for making a joke...
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