Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Judicial Watch Seeks Details on State Dept. Role in Steele Dossier

'We intend to find out how deep the Deep State roots go in their effort to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The aftermath of the Mueller investigation has led to a flurry of activity for government-accountability guardians Judicial Watch. Since the Russian collusion report was submitted to Attorney...

Judicial Watch Seeks Records of Brennan’s and Clapper’s Role in Spreading Russia Lies

'Judicial Watch FOIA litigation is the best hope for getting full accountability on this attack on our constitutional republic...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With the Mueller Report's debunked allegations of Russian collusion behind us, conservatives increasingly have sounded a drumbeat to hold accountable those responsible enough for the real misinformation...

Business Owner w/ 10% Minority DNA Seeks SCOTUS Ruling on Gov’t Eligibility

'I am hoping that the country gives serious thought to the fact that the government has no objective criteria for race and they know it...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A Washington State business-owner is challenging the biased and capricious policies that determine eligibility for disadvantaged and minority status in state...

Court-Forced Gerrymandering Lawsuit Reveals Dem. Hypocrisy in N.C.

'There is absolutely no consistency to their arguments throughout the lawsuit...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In North Carolina, former Attorney General Eric Holder's National Democratic Redistricting Committee and other activist groups continue to cynically cast out any principles of equity or common-sense fairness in their effort to transform red states. On...

STATS: Calif. Cops Ignored 5,600+ ICE Detainers in Two Years BEFORE Sanctuary Law

'The release of aliens previously convicted of crimes ... will only rise now that sanctuary policies are state law...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit on detainer requests for illegal immigrants in California not only revealed the shocking number of criminals released, but it also dispelled...

Jussie Smollett’s Hoax the Latest in a Long Line of Phony Anti-Conservative Smears

'While its veracity isn't confirmed, its sentiment needs no fact-check...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The case of Jussie Smollett---whose accusations of a racially-motivated assault by MAGA-hat-wearing, white assailants came crumbling apart this weekend---has left many scratching their heads. Ignoring some of the more questionable details of the case, left-leaning political figures...

Liberals in NC Oppose Redrawn Districts They Approved Previously

'That's the end of the rule of law...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After forcing North Carolina to redraw its legislative maps two years ago, an activist group that has repeatedly sued to flip the state Democratic is again asking the courts to intervene because it was unhappy with the results. But the...

Judge Forces Top Obama Officials to Answer Questions on Clinton Emails, Benghazi

'One of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In its ongoing efforts to cast daylight on the shady dealings of the Clintons, transparency advocate Judicial Watch has scored another win. On Tuesday, a federal judge allowed its Freedom of Information case to proceed relating to Hillary...

Trump Admin Quietly Readying for Another SCOTUS Fight

'It would be a brutal confirmation...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After the knock-down, drag-out confirmation battle for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh nearly tore the nation asunder, the White House and Senate are preparing for another, potentially even more divisive, showdown. The two GOP-led branches are cautiously conferring on a list...

Appeals Court Tosses Injunction on Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

'The far-Left was so busy cheerleading Barack Obama's wave of social experimentation that they never stopped to ask how those policies were received by the people they affected most...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A protracted legal battle over transgenders in the military took another step toward an inevitable Supreme Court...

Gun-Rights Advocates Sue to Challenge Trump’s Bump-Stock Ban

'If the bump stock converts an AR-15 into a machinegun, then AR-15s could be next on the chopping block...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Liberals have long been lambasted for using the court system to dodge and undermine the executive authority of President Donald Trump. But after a controversial decree banning bump...

Anti-CNN Defamation Ruling May Set Up SCOTUS Showdown on Press Protections

'It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) How far can an off-the-rails media go before it hits the limits of its First Amendment protections? The question has been raised before, as the George W. Bush administration attempted...
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